"And what does that have to do with him?" Morro asked, talking about Lloyd when he said "him." But there was worry in his voice.

"Oh, well, you see," Nadakhan started, grabbing something from inside his backpack. "Your weakness is your brother." Nadakhan pulled out a knife from his backpack.

Some of the students in the group started to run away, those staying backed away.

Morro paled visibly. Nadakhan wouldn't...would he? "Now there's the reaction I was waiting for..." Nadakhan said, he went up to Lloyd and pressed the knife to his throat. "NOOO!" Morro yelled.

"Here's the deal, Morro," Nadakhan practically snarled. "You let us beat up your brother and we'll let you and your friends go, say no, and, well, you can kiss the world goodbye along with your friends. So...which one is it?"

Morro was angry, scared, and worried. Did he really have to choose? His brother was the only reason why he was living till this day, but...his friends...

"No..." Morro whispered, as he looked down, but you could tell he was still kinda angry.

"'No' what?" Nadakhan said.

"No...NO!!!" Morro's head snapped up, but his eyes glowed a dark-green color, and in a flash, a big gust of wind came over and knocked over Nadakhan, and maybe some of the students too. His eyes stopped glowing and after realizing what he had done, he looked at his friends.

"Morro..." Cole whispered. "You have a-"

"'A elemental power'? Yeah..." Morro said, kinda looking down.

"For how long have you known?" Cole asked. Morro said nothing. "Morro..." Cole tried again, but this time he went up to Morro and shook him. "For how long, Morro?! Please!! For how long?!"

Morro gulped a little. "A year..." he replied. Everyone was dead silent. "Why didn't you tell me?" Cole said in a very low voice. Morro avoided his gaze. "Why didn't you tell me?!" Cole practically yelled. "I don't know!!! Okay?!" Morro said, glaring at him.

"Don't know? Don't know?! Do you have any idea how much time I think, thinking I'm a freak?!" Cole yelled. "You know why?! Because I thought I was the only one with powers in school!!" Morro started to lose it. "Well now you know how it felt to be me!!"

"Guys! Stop fighting!" Nya said. With much anger, Cole couldn't think straight and said, "This fight doesn't include you, Nya!!"

Kai got angry. "Hey! Don't talk to my sister like that!!" Kai glared at him and Cole glared back at him. "Don't get involved, Kai!" Cole growled.

"Cole! Kai! Morro! Please do not start fighting!" Zane said. "Look, Zane, this is between me and Cole," Morro sternly said. "And I don't want to hurt your feelings if I say something I might regret later on."

"But-!" "Zane! Don't get tangled into this fight!" Cole growled.

"But I do not wish for a fight to break out!" Zane said. "Please-!"

"Why don't you shut your mouth?!" Kai yelled. Anger has taken over them. "All you are is a dumb robot! Nothing but a stupid pile of wire and gears!"

Everyone gasped. Kai had just revealed Zane's secret...

"Shut up, Kai!" Jay defended Zane. "Zane is just like the rest of us!"

All 6 friends started to argue. But the thing everyone noticed was that their eyes were glowing, and at the same time, there were some...trouble.

There was a mini earthquake, a huge gust of wind, a fire starting at one side of the school, ice covering the halls at the other side of school, a big storm has started, which contained lightning that struck the school, almost hitting 3 or 4 students, and the water was strong.

As the friends argued more, the more powerful the trouble became.

"I HATE YOU!" they all said simultaneously.

Lloyd's P.O.V

This is all my fault...

This is all my fault. This is all my fault. This is all my fault. This is all my fault.

I covered my ears as I hear a lot of hurtful words coming out from my friends and my brother's mouth. They were saying mean things to each other. Why...

The yelling increases. Stop...Stop yelling... Stop!

I shut my eyes tight and cover my ears more.

Shut up! SHUT UP!!

"I HATE YOU!" I hear them say to one another.


"STOP!!!!" I scream.

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