Chapter Thirty-one 🌊

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Elder Hera moves her chair back to the examination table. Vulcan nods as he rubs my waist. It feels nice to have have some type of physical contact with my mate. His touch is soothing, and I think will only increase as my pregnancy progresses. The

"Also, if you feel unwell or would like to talk please stop by," says Elder Hera as she hands me a bottle.

I take the bottle of vitamins from her hand. It feels good to know that Elder Hera is so close. This is my first pregnancy, and I am sure I will stop by to see her. Not having my momma close by is difficult. I know that she is a phone call away, but it is not the same. She will most likely come to the surface when I give birth. However, she does not feel comfortable traveling so long without dad.

"Thank you Elder it feels reassuring that you are here," I tell her.

We talk for a few more minutes before saying goodbye to Elder Hera. Once we leave the medical wing Vulcan and I head to the kitchen. Elder Hera recommended that I go eat something light, and take my vitamins. She made sure to write the instructions on the bottle in case I forget. I am sure it will take me a day or two before it becomes part of my routine.

The den is oddly empty, and most likely due to the nice weather. Vulcan mentioned that patrols and training has increased. He believes that a storm is brewing. Why else would demons want to hunt down omegas all of a sudden? Also, if I recall a law of protection was issued after the last Great War. I will have to do some reading when I have time. Something does not seem right, because this should have not gone unnoticed. I am worried for Willows safety, but Neri's as well. Considering that Neri is a mini-mer she is the mermaid equivalent to an omega. I doubt that Roark will let her off the territory. I wonder how my friend feels about that because she has been enjoying herself. Who is to say that only omegas will be targeted. I have a gut feeling that there is something bigger coming. Something pure evil will hit us, and there will be no quick solution. I can only pray that it will not be another Great War.

"Everything will be alright my treasure," says Vulcan.

A sigh escapes my lips as I stare at my mate. He most likely sensed my distress through our bond. I sit down on a stool as he goes over to the fridge. The usual busy kitchen is empty. The scent of sugar cookies and banana bread linger. One of the den mothers probably baked for the little ones. I watch him move around as he makes us lunch. He insisted that I stay seated, and that he will take care of me.

"How do you know that my dragon? I feel like something bad is coming," I tell him.

Vulcan nods as he works on making our lunch. It seems that he is making sandwiches and a small salad. "I believe that something is coming as well love. I spoke with Ambrose before your heat," he says.

I raise an eyebrow because I do not recall him telling me this. "I wanted to tell you but your heat kicked in," he says with a chuckle.

Ah well that explains why I am just finding out. I would not have remembered if he told me. During my heat I tend to have one thing on my mind. This time I had a delicious mate to desire, and see to my needs.

"What did Ambrose have to say?"

Vulcan sighs as he cuts tomatoes. "Things do not seem to be looking well. More omegas are being targeted as well as more fertile spe," he says.

"Does Ambrose have an idea of what the demons want?" I ask my mate.

"Not quite but we are working on some theories. Also, we believe that someone is helping the demons. We are not sure of who though," says Vulcan.

"Well it would ha s to be someone powerful who has something to gain. Are they..." I say.

I cut off my sentence as I get lost in my thoughts. If they are no longer going after omegas then.. Could they be after highly fertile species and omegas for breeding? Would they be trying to breed stronger demons? Demon hybrids that would create strong soldiers? If I recall demons age very quickly compared to other species. They also stop aging when they appear to be in their late twenties.

"Do you have an idea of what is going on? I can speak with Ambrose and Lachlan then," said Vulcan.

"What if they are trying to breed an army? Just because the mother or carrier is an omega does not mean the child will be," I tell him my theory.

Vulcan blinks as he curses under his breath. "Fuck that is a possibility. The real question is why would they want to start a war," he said.

I shrug as Vulcan places my sandwich and salad in front of me. "Your guess is as good as mine. Do you think we should bring this up at the Council?"

Vulcan takes his plate and sits down next to me. He places a kiss on my forehead, which helps calm my nerves. "We will continue to monitor the situation for now, but yes I believe we should inform them".

I nod as we enjoy our lunch, and talk about more pleasant things. Vulcan tells me more about what I should expect at the Council meetings. It is nice to know that I am not expected to attend all the meetings. However, during these times I am expected to socialize with the other clan leaders mates. I suppose getting to know clan leaders mates would help strengthen ties between clans.

"I am required to wear anything special to these meetings?" I ask as I finish up my sandwich.

"We both have to wear the clan colors, and symbol. I should have this prepared before we leave, but now we have to take into account the hatchlings," he answers.

I nod in agreement,"Is there someone that makes these clothes? We would probably have to see them before we leave".

The Council meetings are coming soon, and I may have a little baby bump by then. Considering I am carrying twins I will start showing soon. Thank the Goddess that my pregnancy will not be as long as a humans. It may be a few months shorter, but it makes a difference. Elder Hera also said I may go into labor a little early, because I am having twins. This made Vulcan a little worried, but he calmed down after Elder Hera explained things. She gave me a rough due date of late December or early January.

"A clan member is in charge of making the clothes. It is a trade that has been passed down in their family," explains Vulcan.

"Would we have to meet them someone where?" I am not sure if I feel comfortable leaving the den right now.

Vulcan shakes his head, "I can speak with Katarina, and have the fitting here".

I smile,"Ok I am glad to hear that, because I will not lie and say this is nerve wrecking".

Vulcan wraps his arms around my shoulder, and gently pulls me to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, and inhale his scent. I take in little breathes, and allow his scent to relax me. My mind feels blank, and the nerves in my stomach vanish. There is nothing more calming then my mates scent. In his arms is where I feel safe. It is as if all my troubles and worries disappear, well at least for the moment. Vulcan birdies his nose on top of my head. I can hear him inhaling my scent as well.

"I am considered as well, but I promise that I will protect you and our hatchlings," he says against my hair.

Hearing him say this makes me happy, and relieved. I know that he will do all that he can to keep us safe. However, I will do all that I can to keep my mate and guppies safe as well.

"On a happier note when should we tell our family the good news?" Vulcan asks into my hair.

"How about over dinner? We can order some pizza," I suggest.

"That sounds like a good idea, my treasure. How about we go take a nap until then?"

It is not until Vulcan mentions sleep they I yawn. He chuckles as my cheeks begin to feel warm. Vulcan places the dishes in the sink, insisting he will do them later. He picks me up in his arms and carries me to our bedroom. My eyes begin to flutter closed to the rocking motion as he walks. I vaguely remember Vulcan walking into our bedroom. That is when everything goes dark, and I fall into a peaceful sleep. My final thoughts are about my sweet mate, and guppies.

A/N: Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing well and healthy! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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