179 - 1/26/20

32 1 0

howdy yall 

my bf and i have been together for 3 months now. 

he just got a job and we're planning on moving in together within the next year. 

i also survived my first semester of college, but overwatch isn't happening this semester because not enough people signed up. 

oh well 

also planning on bitching my ex out and dropping him, but i don't really have a reason to right now. like he's a dick and ive wanted to drop him since sophomore year of high school, the only reason i havent is because ive been afraid that he was gonna give me shit for it. and he says hes sorry for being an asshole to me but it doesnt really mean anything when he keeps being an asshole. u feel me? 

so ive been gathering dirt on him, ive found arguments over stupid shit. there was one where i called him out on his shit, and then he brought my friend into the argument and accused me of cheating on him with said friend. so yuh. 

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