177 - 1/4/20 - unpopular opinion

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Imma throw in my 2 cents because i deadass don't know how to process this shit 

I saw some dumbass trolls on Ilhan Omar's twitter being like "I tHoUgHt U sUpPoRtEd ThEm" "TeLl Us WhY hE sHoUlDnT bE dEaD" like can yall chill w/ your obvious racism and islamophobia k thnx bye 

I saw those same mfs replying to an Iranian immigrant either like "why you here" or "go back" my all time favorite "you should be thankful for everything the US has done for you." 

like bruh the US fucked their country over lol we've been antagonizing Iran since Jimmy Carter idk why yall act surprised when another country retaliates for fucking with them. 

im not saying that our bullshit excuses what iran has done towards us 
im saying we shouldve left Iran alone a long ass time ago

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