59 - 3/22/18

79 6 0

I went to the mercantile in my town, and a mercantile is basically kinda like an antique store but it's more modern and a lot of stuff is cheap and it smells like old people in the store. Anyways I found suitcase sets that were less than $40. I called my parents to see if they could come and buy them for me but my grandma wants to lend me something so i guess im gonna have to buy it myself because i really like this red one with flowers on it. Plus the suitcases lock. 

I also bought a thing of matches. 

You wanna know how much it costed? 

Fifty cents. 

My friend is also gonna be starting school at my school on monday and im really excited that he's coming, but im also nervous for him because he's had a bad experience with some of the kids here, like he's been bullied for being queer and has been called a faggot. I had GSA today and recommended that my English teacher be his homeroom teacher, because she's supportive of people like us and so he knows that he has the support of at least one staff member at school. I hope that he has a better experience than the last time that he was here. 

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