that's life • rp

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that's life • robert plant

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That's life, that's what all the people say

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That's life, that's what all the people say

You're riding high in April

Shot down in May

☮ ☮ ☮

"We should go, I'll pay the tab." Donna said, hurriedly gathering her things and wavering down a waitress.

"What? We just go here." You sipped at your milkshake and sunk into the booth in no rush to leave.

"He's here (Y/N)." She sighed, a look of pity swallowing her features.

You backed away from your shake, suddenly feeling sick. "He's here?"

She nodded her head.

"Is she here too?"

"Robert!" You yelped, covering your bare body in your hands.

He was already in the nude, running towards the blue lake, snatching your towel off on his way in. You shook as the droplets of cold water splashed your legs.

"I can't believe we're doing this!" You muttered to yourself, too scared to dive in after him.

He swam to the surface, grinning up at you feverishly. "Are you going to continue standing up there naked where the entire town can see you or are you gonna join me?"

"I'm pretty comfortably up here . . ." You lied with a shrug of your shoulders.

"Alrighty." He sighed before swimming underwater and disappearing out of sight.

When minutes passed and he still hadn't emerged you started to worry, pacing around the ledge of the hill. "Robert." You whispered, a knot growing in your stomach.

"Plug your nose!" Is all you heard before being lifted off your feet and tackled into the lake.

"Yeah, she is."

Surreptitiously, you peeked over the booth, a beautiful brunette wrapped possessively around your Robert. Her Robert now.

"She's gorgeous." You turnt back in your seat, a sob clawing its way up your throat.

"Eh she's alright . . . nothing too special."

You payed no attention to your friend, your focus on the footsteps nearing your booth, suddenly stopping at table across from yours.

Donna dropped her head in hands, sighing at how bad fate was fucking the two of you over. "Come on, there's no use in torturing yourself, let's just go."

"Is this how it's always going to be?" You asked, mostly to yourself. "Running away until I can finally accept the fact that I wasn't good enough for him?"

"Ah come on!" Donna whispered, grabbing your hands under the table. "He's a foolish man and much too late he's going to realize that he made the worst mistake of his life."

"Robert flip the pancake, Oh God!" You laughed hysterically as a sea of blond curls bobbed into the kitchen desperately scraping the charred pancake off the pan.

He turnt to you with a sheepish smile, dropping the pancake in the bin and making his way over to where you lay on the couch. "Never liked pancakes too much anyways."

"Hmm, is that right?" You hummed, wrapping your arms around him, pulling him ontop of you. "I'll make breakfast this time."

He shook his head and pulled you back into him as you made a move to get up. "No need, I'm plenty satisfied right here."

He hadn't noticed the two of you yet, much too consumed with the woman sitting across from him.

"Her name's Maureen." You sighed, using a napkin to dry your misty eyes. "Jimmy told me they were a thing long before Robert and I got together. I was the rebound woman. I was the other woman."

"He's an asshole, you dodged a silver bullet love."

"You didn't know him . . . He loved me. We loved eachother, that wasn't fake. It couldn't be, I could feel it in my bone marrow."

"You can't keep defending him, he left you for another woman (Y/N)."

"Guess he loved her more."

"Ouch!" Robert howled as your heel came crashing down onto his foot. "Alright! Take those bloody blades off!"

"This was your idea!" You kicked your shoes off and got back into position. One hand in his and the other on his shoulder.

"That was before I knew you had two left feet!"

"Are you going to keep complaining or are we going to dance?"

"Alright, alright. Here . . . just put your feet ontop of mine." He lifted you, setting you down upon his feet, the way a father would to his daughter.

"I don't remember this being in Tango?" You joked, as he began to move left and right, taking you with him.

"I don't remember breaking your partner's toe being apart of it either . . . ?"

"It was an accident!"

Finally a waitress made her way to your table and Donna paid the tab. "Come on, we can stop for ice cream on the way home." She smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders in a effort to cheer you up.

As you gathered your things, your eyes fell on Robert's - his already on you. He squinted, they way you would to a stranger who looked painfully familiar. You could tell the second he recognized you, his eyes widening and immediately focusing back on Maureen as if he hadn't seen you in the first place.

You managed to hold your tears the entire time, refusing to let him see how much he broke you. Walking down the aisle with Donna by your side, you kept your eyes focused on the door, your main goal to get out of the building without crying in front of him.

"Who was that?"

"Probably a fan."

Whatever pain you felt in the past few weeks since your split, amounted to nothing compared to the hurt you felt now.

Got this idea from a George Harrison imagine I read a long time ago! A relatively short chapter, but I wanted to put atleast something out before submerging myself in the flood of requests coming in. This is very similar to my old writing style, (intentional) simple yet interesting. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed!

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