Diseases Love To Linger In Groups

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Harry's POV

For my first time in my doctor's office, I would've thought he had a bunch of 'get better' and 'wash your hands' posters on his walls. He didn't. He had a desk, a shelf and two portraits of his dogs. He was single, recently divorced. That was all I had gathered on him for the few times we saw each other.

"Well, Harry, you are exceptionally healthy for someone who has endured so much." He closed a file and slid into a drawer. "I was impressed by how much you've recovered in the past few sessions."

I already knew this. "Does that mean I can go back to school? And drive?"

"Let's not jump the gutter on driving just yet, okay? But you are strong enough to go back to school, but make sure to not labour yourself for too long the next week. I still want you to come to a few more sessions so we can get you behind the wheel."

I sighed but nodded. I knew I still needed a few more days before I could be back to how I was. "All right, thank you, doctor."

He smiled and played with his ring finger, something I noticed he did whenever he thought of his ex-spouse. "No problem, kid. I'll see you on Saturday, yeah?"

I got up, using the armrests as help to push myself up. "Yeah, see you, then."

I walked out of his office and left the place, knowing Amar was outside.

"How was it?" She asked.

"Good, just like the other five thousand times you've asked me."

Amar rolled her eyes and got in the car. I walked around the front of the car and hopped in.

Amar already had her car going. "So, do you want to order in or are you up for cooking?"

I didn't have to think about it. "I want to cook; I miss it, but we have to head to the shop first. We've eaten in for the past few days, and we haven't refilled our fridge in weeks."

She nodded and started to reverse. "All right, we'll stop by the shop."


"You could help by putting stuff away, you know?" Amar huffed. "Given that, I did all the heavy lifting."

I shrugged. "You know I can't exert myself, yet. I'll help store the things that go in the fridge while you stock the cabinets."

"How do you feel about wings for today?" I asked her as I took the meat out of the bag.

She set the popcorn box down. "Oh, god, yes! Make sure to make a set of non-spicy for me."

I shook my head as I put the chicken package in the lower section of the fridge instead of the freezer. "You're so weird."

"I can't handle it!" She defended herself. "I can't help it."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I'll start cooking after my nap."

"Who knew you would turn into such a sloth?"

I nudged her with my shoulder. "Oh, shut up; coming from the girl who takes two naps a day."

"Coming from the girl who takes two naps a day," She repeated in a mocking tone.

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond. I walked out of the kitchen and walked upstairs slowly, still needing to take time. As I walked into my room, I grabbed my laptop from my desk and checked the emails from Zayn. I had gotten notified during my session that I had received mail from him. It was a bunch of copies of the homework assignments I had asked for a few days ago.

I reached over to the other side of my bed and grabbed my phone. I opened Louis' contact and started typing.

'Hey, my doctor said I'm okay to go back to school. I think I'll return on Monday.'

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