A Fight, A Party, A Prankster and New Friends

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Louis' POV

"Just do it, Liam."

"But it's really cold Zayn."

"If you don't do it, I'll do it."

I heard voices whisper but they sounded faint and far away, plus I was still half asleep. All of the sudden I felt coldness all around, and wet. I felt cold and wet. I sat up abruptly and shivered. I looked around and saw that my covers, pillows, and, mainly, my body were soaked with water. I looked up and my eyes found Liam and Zayn.

I glared at Zayn, who was holding a now an empty bucket. "Why the hell did you do that?!"

"You wouldn't wake up. We tried everything. We thought you were dead." Liam said.

I groaned and got up. I grabbed a towel and started drying my hair. "What time is it anyway?" I threw the towel on my chair and crossed my arms, facing them now.

Liam took out his phone from his jacket. "It's 8:47." My eyes widened and I scampered to my closet and got a black shirt and some black skinnies.

I rushed to the bathroom and fixed my ratty hair to its usual fringe. Only this time I had it going to the left so it would cover my stitches. Zayn and Liam know about my mother but I don't want to worry them. I brushed my teeth quickly then ran out and slipped a pair of Adidas on. I snatched my backpack and phone and ran downstairs. My siblings were sitting around the table and eating breakfast. Zayn and Liam were leaning against the wall. I grabbed a doughnut and started eating quickly.

"I see you're not dead," Fizzy said and took a bite of her biscuit. She always ate the same breakfast; a cup of a tea, a biscuit, and a bowl of fruit. On some occasions, she'll eat pancakes.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered and cleaned my hands. I turned around and faced the twins. "You two excited for today?" The twins were going on a field trip for three days and Lottie was going to chaperone.

They nodded excitedly. "Yeah! But we're bummed you can't come." Phoebe answered, frowning.

"Aww." I cooed. "Don't be bummed. I'm sorry I can't make it but you'll have Lottie there with you. Though I'm not complaining, three days without Lottie." I whistled and Lottie gasped, hitting my arm.

"I'm kidding! I'm gonna miss you, all of you. I guess I just have to spend more time with fizzy." I swung an arm around fizzy and ruffled her hair.

Fizzy laughed and got up. "Sorry Louis, but I'm staying at Maddie's for the rest of the week."

I frowned. "Maddie?" She nodded. "Maddie as the Maddie who's shagged most of the soccer team?"

"Louis! Those are just rumours." Fizzy objected and went to put her plate in the sink. I glanced over at Zayn and Liam, they just shook their heads.

"Yeah, okay. Just call me if anything happens." I told her and she nodded.

"We should go. It's getting late." Liam announced, glancing at the time on his phone. I nodded in agreement and went around the table, planting a kiss on their foreheads and hugged the twins.

"Bye!" I called out before closing the door. We walked over to my car and got in, Zayn taking shotgun. I started the engine and loud music belted from the speakers. I quickly turned down the volume.

"Dude, what were you listening to?" Zayn said and took out the CD that was currently inside. He turned it around and read the title out loud.

"Tomlinson's Mixtape? Who gave it to you?" He asked. I took the disc away from him and placed it in its case.

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