Take A Deep Breath, And Start When You Can

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Liam's POV

The sight from the roof was highly unpleasant. There were multiple dead bodies sprawled across the pavement. Some still had their finger on the trigger, and others slumped against the wall. I was examining the perimeter when Amar's voice came in through the walkie-talkie.

"Liam! Niall! Come down immediately!"

Niall and I shared a look of worry before packing our stuff up and closing the duffel bags. We went down the ladder, and as we trailed lightly, hand on our guns in case we missed anybody. Once we made sure that there was nobody, we busted into the factory, and the scene was gruesome and horrifying.

Alex laid dead to my left, and Des laid dead to my right. There were multiple piles of either dead or unconscious bodies. But the most horrifying sight was all my friend huddled up close and crying.

Niall and I rushed over and slid onto our knees to see more clearly. Zayn was cradling Louis' head while Amar and Charlie cradle Harry, both who look like death. I could see the knife coming out of Louis body and blood soaking Harry's shirt.

The knife embedded into Louis' stomach, and the blade seemed to be the only thing to stop the bleeding. His face was pale, and his body was slack against Zayn's lap. As I reached out to touch his hand, I drew back my hand from the sudden coldness emitting from him. Harry, on the other hand, was still warm, but blood covered his whole shirt, and his hair was sticking to his forehead. I couldn't see what was causing the bleeding, but it wouldn't stop, although Charlie was trying to do. Shallow breaths were coming out of Harry's slightly separated lips, but I could tell it was getting hard for him to get any oxygen in.

Everyone was crying, but Amar was sobbing hard. It was a surprise to hear her talking.

"Liam, call an ambulance! Now!" Amar ordered, but her voice broke, and sobs seeped out.

I nodded and pulled out my phone. I dialled 999 on my phone, and someone immediately picked up.

"Hello, what is your emergency?"

"My friends are hurt; there was a fight." I watched as Charlie placed Amar's hands above Harry's wound and got up. "Hurry! Please!"

"Calm down, sir. What is your address?"

I rolled my eyes and told the operator the address of the factory.

"Sir, that's been an abandoned factory for a while."

"You don't think I know that? Just get doctors here!"

"There's help on the way."

I hung up. "What now?"

"Give me your weapons. All of them." Charlie used one of our duffel bags and opened them. "We can't have the police thinking we were involved in any way."

Charlie was still crying as he left to put our weapons away and to hide his van. I didn't know how much time had passed, but the police and medics had arrived a few minutes after Charlie came back. The officers had busted inside with guns high and ready to shoot. I wasn't surprised. If they saw all the bodies outside, they were unquestionably expecting a fight. Once they saw Harry and Louis, though, they brought in the medics and put their guns away.

The medics had a tough time separating Amar from Harry, but the officers pushed us back. The doctors strapped Harry and Louis into separate gurneys and rolled them into an ambulance. Before the cops could start asking questions or checking on the bodies, Zayn yelled out.

"Wait! There's one more person! He's in the old cells!"

I watched as four officers and a medic followed Zayn out the door. Another officer approached Niall and me and took out a notepad. They started asking questions, but I couldn't register the questions. I was too busy looking at Amar and Charlie over the officer's shoulder. They were arguing with the medics.

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