When I Get This Fucking Bullet Out, I'll Answer Your Qestions

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Louis' POV


I was fucking tired.

I was happy.

I had talked to Marcel all night. We didn't say goodnight until 2 o'clock. We were both tired, but reluctant to end the call. Although I was super tired and didn't think any amount of coffee would wake me up, I didn't regret it.

I was currently sitting in my beanbag and scrolling through my phone.

There was a knock at my door.

"Come in!"

My mum opened the door and poked her head inside. "Morning sweetie." She said and then took in my appearance. "You haven't showered or changed?"

I looked everywhere but her. "I'll get to it right now."

She nodded. "Good. I'm going to start breakfast."

She closed the door. I sighed. I was dreading going to school, but the only bright side is that I get to see Marcel. I got up and grabbed a clean towel. I entered my bathroom and started the water. I stripped out of my sweats and pants. I rubbed the bit of sleep in my eyes away and got under the water. I hadn't done any of my homework. I was talking with Marcel, and he's unquestionably more important than homework.

Once I was done drying myself, I slipped on some pants and looked for what to wear. Finally, I chose a light blue knitted jumper with black skinnies and white vans. I rolled the sleeves up and fixed my hair into a messy fringe. My hair was still damp, but it would soon dry and give it that rumpled bed hair look.

 My hair was still damp, but it would soon dry and give it that rumpled bed hair look

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I got my bag ready and grabbed my phone before trotting down the stairs. My mum was prepping the dishes.

"Morning mum! Don't you think it's a beautiful day?" I greeted as I pecked her cheek and grabbed a mug to pour myself some coffee.

My mum stared at me weirdly. "Are you okay? Are you feeling warm?" She placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

"I'm fine mum, just happy, s'all." I shrugged and took a sip of my coffee, wincing slightly as the hot beverage burned my throat as it went down.

"Does your mystery date have anything do to with it?" Fizzy asked as she entered the kitchen.

I glared at her, and she smirked.

"Wait. Did you go out on a date? When? Who is it? Do I know her?" My mum bombarded me with questions.

"Lottie went on a date as well! Go ask her questions about it." I protested as I used the mug to cover my blush.

"Lottie went on a date as well? When did this happen?"

"Friday night. She went out with Tommy." Fizzy answered.

"Oh, I like Tommy. He's a sweet guy." My mum said, tenderness laced in her voice as she set all the plates down.

"I bet Lottie is taking longer, so she can impress Tommy," I said as I sat down in my chair.

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