Ice Cream, Movies, and a Head Injury

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Marcel's POV

"I can't," I said and I noticed that Louis' expression fell. I smirked. "I have to get my stuff first." My smirk faded into a smile when he smiled up at me. His face lit up like a six-year-old on Christmas morning. I was close enough to see little freckles on his cheeks. His smile was beautiful. His face would scrunch up and make little crinkles by his eyes appear.

"You got me, Styles." He smirked and licked his lips. I laughed and looked down at my shoes, I could feel a blush coming up when he said my last name. "I'll be in the front. Don't take too long, my patience is very thin."

I smiled. "Bossy, too." His smirk faded into a smile.

I turned around and bend down to pick up my backpack. I heard Louis clear his throat so I turned my upper body to see him. He was looking to the side and kind of breathing hard.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and straighten up. "I won't take long."

He looked back at me and I could see his eyes had gotten a little darker. "O-okay."

I walked into the building and headed to my locker. I opened it and took out my jacket and umbrella. I put my umbrella in my backpack and made my way to the front. I didn't even have to search for his car. He was parked right in front of the school with the door to the passenger side opened. I chuckled and got in. I closed the door and faced him.


"Why does everyone tell me to put on my seatbelt?!" He asked and I laughed.

"Because you need to put on your seatbelt," I said and he rolled his eyes but obliged. He turned on the radio and started driving.

"So, I heard you travelled a lot before moving here," Louis said and turned down the radio to hear my answer.

"Yeah, I moved here from Chicago. I was there for a year and a half. The longest I've ever stayed somewhere." I replied honestly and he nodded.

"Why did you move a lot?"

I hesitated. "Family issues." I wasn't lying. I moved a lot because of my crazy father.

"What was your favourite place to live in?" He asked and I thought about it.

"I think LA. No, definitely Canada. I had some...trouble in LA." I said, memories flooding my brain.

"How long did you live there?" He took a U-turn and made a sharp right turn immediately. "In L.A." He specified as he slowed down to a stop before driving again.

"About ten months. I think so? No, that was New York. I lived in L.A. for four months." I said and he made a left turn and parked.

"I'm getting confused. Explain it to me when we get our ice cream." He said and I laughed as we got out.

The outside of the store was pretty nice. The name of the store was in big blue letters on the top. There were three tables for people to sit. There were little baskets filled with paper napkins placed in the centre of each table. Louis opened the door for me and little bells jingled. The store was pretty empty, except for an elderly couple. The walls were very colourful, actually, the whole store was colourful. The walls were hot pink with the menu items scattered around. The tiled floor was so shiny that I could see my reflection. White tables, paired with white chairs, were spaced out around the store. Over to my right, there was a big counter with a little space saved for the display of ice cream flavours. There was a TV in the corner and another one in the corner across from it. It had some music videos playing, but the volume was so low it sounded like rasping voices whispering.

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