Chapter 7

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- - -Zealand's POV- - -

"Pleasure to be here, Mrs. Green." Kace, so obnoxiously, greets my mom.

"Oh sweetie call me Abigail. You make me feel so old!" My mom sweet talks. "That's because you are..." I drag out to myself. Ok, maybe not to myself because Ava and Olivia look like they're struggling to not laugh. My mom's face is shocked as my dad is snickering secretly.

"E-Excuse me, Zealand Henry Green!" Now it's my turn to look shocked. Everyone laughs when I turn a deep shade of red. "Sorry mom," I say on my way to my seat. I sit in the middle of my friends across from my two sisters, with mom and dad at the head.

Callie speaks up. "Not to be rude, but what is for dinner?" Kace and I both face palm. That is the dumbest thing I've heard all day.

I point to the large plate of steaming Chicken Alfredo on the table. She gaps like a fish. "When did that get there?" She can be so clueless sometimes.

Mom ignores her comment. We proceed to pray and distribute food. I begin to eat when Kace leans over and whispers, "I like the fit." I flush crimson and choke slightly on my food. I hurriedly grab my glass of water to help me. Jesus, this man is trying to kill me!

The rest of dinner goes smoothly and I ask to be excused. I rush to tidy up the guest rooms, game room, and theater room. I come back to the main room to see my family and friends chatting. I signal for Kace and Cal to follow me.

"Oh wait, I have dessert. You guys should have some." "Can you bring it to the game room?" "Sure sweetie."

There's a basic game room. We have almost every game system, a bar, and pool table.

"You can do whatever you please. Make yourself at home." That's exactly what they do. We play GTA V, Wii Sports, Call of Duty, and a game of pool. My mom brings in plate of cookies and milk. "Thank you," we all say before we munch down on the cookies. We continue playing games until late and decide to watch a movie.

I pop the popcorn while Cal raids our snack cabinets. Kace is choosing the movie. I hope it's something we'll all enjoy. He chooses 5 Feet Apart and I already know I'm going to cry. We get settled on the sectional with my head on Kace's shoulder and Cal's head in my lap.

Five minutes go past and I fall asleep.


I open my eyes to my familiar ceiling. How did I get here? Last I remember is falling asleep during the movie. Did someone carry me?

Someone knocks on my door. "Come in."

Kace walks in with his morning smile. Ugh morning people.

"Hey, how long have you been awake?" I'm asked as I rub my sleep filled eyes. "Two minutes?" His rugged laugh hurts my head. "Your parents and sisters went for breakfast. Cal is spread out across one of the guest beds so I'm gonna make breakfast. Freshen up so you can help me," and with that he left my room.

I flop back onto the bed. It's a Saturday, why am I up this early?! I slither out the bed onto the floor after a pep talk. My morning routine seems to take forever but next thing I know, I have on an orange shirt and jean shorts with air forces walking out my room.

On my walk to the kitchen, I bump into Cal who looks refreshed. "Oh god Zea, you guy's bed is like heaven!" Cal shrieks as we continue to walk. "You've never been so how do you know?" I raise a perfectly arched brow at her. "I just do okay?!" She pouts at the walls the rest of our walk.

I enter the kitchen first to witness Kace in an apron shaking his ass. I get out my phone to video him. Cal snickers and gives away our cover. Kace whips around so fast that I thought he'd get whiplash. "Delete it," Kace demands. "Nope." I deny. "DELETE IT!" Kace charges for my phone and I dart away. I run through corridors laughing with his footsteps behind me. Agile legs come in handy. As I run up the stairs, I feel arms wrapped around my torso and I scream.

"I said delete it," Kace repeats in my ear. I notice the way his breath caresses my face. I clear my throat because mini me was getting happy. I delete it in his face, but it's on my iCloud.

"Happy?" I strut back to the kitchen to find Cal putting the finishing touches on breakfast. "While you two were flirting, I did the food thing." I flush red as Kace awkwardly rubs his neck.

"Don't just stand around, eat!" I sit at the island and eat. I hope I don't have food poisoning later on.

We watch tv until I hear the front door unlock. I get up to greet my sisters and mom who have a million shopping bags. My dad looks like he just ran a marathon. Probably did.

"What's in the bag?" "Clothes" "why so many?" "There's some for you so stop asking questions." That got me to shut up. Eventually, Kace and Cal goes home and I get sleep.


Yesterday was officially my last day of 11th grade! Now I can waste my summer eating, sleeping, and spending money. Cal and Kace don't believe when I say that's all I'm gonna do. All of ours birthdays are in the summer so senior year, we're gonna be 18. My birthday is next weekend, and I get my driver's license!

The week goes by fast and I'm officially a driver registered to Camden, Maine.

I'm ready for my senior year.


That place sounds familiar...

I'm experimenting with some pictures. So any thoughts? —>

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