Chapter 3

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Kace McMillan^

- - -Zealand's POV- - -

The hallways are crowded as usual. We walk side by side with me in the middle.

Cal and Kace know of my anxiety so they do their best to keep people away from me.

We make it to my locker in record time and theirs are next to mine so lucky us.

I take all AP classes so I get everything for my classes before lunch. In my opinion, lunch is the best subject.

"W-Would you guys walk me to class? I don't feel like bumping into you know who." I whisper to them as I finally get all my things.

Cal squints around the hallway. "Sure Zea, you don't have to ask."Kace pats my shoulder and guides me towards AP History.

I normally walk with my head down so I felt Kace being shoved into my left side.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" An unknown voice shouts in our direction.

I look up to see mostly everyone staring at us and whispering. I'm ashamed to say my face heated up.

Why are they looking at us? Kace and Cal's faces both had scowls. Did I miss something?

"Not if you don't mind ya fucking business first!" Kace scowls back to whoever.

"Periodt!" Cal backs Kace up.

Just like that.

Everything went back to normal. They rush me to class and immediately leave me. It's a bum we don't have any classes together until after lunch.

I walk into the classroom with my head down.

Another stressful morning.


The lunch bell rings and I start to pack up. When I walk out, I was startled as I come face to face with Kace.

I divert my eyes as I blush, and back up.

I hope Kace didn't notice...I would be so embarrassed. Luckily, I see he didn't or he just didn't say anything.

"I am starving." He exclaims when we walk in the cafeteria's direction. I don't worry about Cal because she usually meets us there.

I am correct, as we walk into the cafeteria, I spot Cal at our corner table with her food already. Looks like today, we're having Pizza and other stuff.

I like it. Pizza is the shit.

Kace and I go through the food line and drink machine to get to our table. This lunch is known for food fights all thanks to the jocks, especially James Cohen.

Cal greets us as we near the table. "Wassup guys, Zea how are you?" She spoke to me gently.

I felt my face slightly heat up under her soft gaze. "I'm fine" I mumble and eat my pizza.

Suddenly, the cafeteria doors burst open and in walks James Cohen.

He wears his most famous smirk as he survey the room. His eye line headed straight for the nerd of the school.

Before I saw it, I knew what was about to happen.

I signal for Kace and Cal to duck. When we did, James picks up someone's lunch and threw it at the nerd. People started laughing and some join in on throwing food.

"Get your stuff and crawl out. We're right behind you." Kace instructs me. I sighed but follow his orders anyway.

I make it out safely and wait outside the door. I feel so overwhelmed that I decide to skip the rest of school. I stop by my locker and head to my sacred place. There's a big oak tree outside in the field and I go there to think most of the time.

I stay there until I here the distant ringing of the last bell for the day. The walk to my car was quiet until I get to the front of the school.

The bustling crowd makes me nervous so I pick up my pace to my car. Once I get in, I check the time and note that my sisters would be out any moment. I see two figures approach my car through the tinted windows. They knock against my car.

I roll down my window to reveal Cal and Kacy.

"We know you ditched school and we know where you went." Kace starts and Cal finishes with, "We also know lunch was hectic but you need to actually go to class." They both give me a warming smile to show that they weren't upset.

Sometimes I wonder how they know me so well.

My face heats up at being caught but I nod my head in understanding. Maybe I should go to class more, there is only a month left of school then I'll be 18 and a senior.

Kace and Cal wave bye after a short conversation about what I missed in class. My sisters come out not to long after and we head home for the day.

I drop everything. Fall into my bed and huff.

Another hard day  of school.


Do you stan Callie and Kace? Is James just cancelled altogether? Any characters you relate to?

So thoughts? —>

We love supportive babes💞

Hasta la vista

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