can we keep this chill away?

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There was someone at the door.

Barty, being a light sleeper, woke up almost immediately at the sound of someone knocking on said door far too loudly.

He groaned, and pulled the covers over his head. Maybe if he ignored it, it would stop.


He rolled over to face Regulus and gave him a light shake.

"Reg? Darling, there's someone at the door."

Regulus, being a heavy sleeper, only snored in response. He was drooling.

Sighing, Barty accepted defeat, and got out of their bed. He grumbled as he made his way down the stairs, yelling "Coming!" as another round of blows was delivered to the poor door.

He opened it, groggy and furious, prepared to yell about the time of night. But when he saw who was there, all the anger left him.

"What - what are you doing here?"

"I'm so, so sorry about the time, but I wasn't entirely sure where else to go."

"That's... alright." It wasn't really, not because of the time, but because there was a drained look under Sirius' eyes and a paleness lining his skin, as if he were slowly dying and didn't really care.

"How are you doing, Crouch? How's Regulus doing?"

"Oh, fine, we're both doing well, thank you. How are you?"

"Heh... I could be better." He swayed where he stood in the doorway, and Barty didn't doubt him.

"I came here to talk to Regulus..."

"He's asleep." Barty let him in, still confused. "He hasn't slept well since your mother... I don't want to wake him?"

"No, no, I understand, it's alright." It clearly wasn't.

Sirius turned round to leave again, so Barty said quickly, "Do you want to talk to me?"

"To you?"

"Until Regulus wakes up, it possibly won't be long, he somehow senses when I'm not there with him."

Sirius considered it, then nodded. "Thank you, Crouch, thank you dearly."

He smiled. "It's alright." Maybe it could be.

They made their way to the parlour, where Barty poured them both some wine, and they sat opposite to each other on the couches. He studied Sirius carefully. The other man looked sick, not on the outside but inwardly; there was a dullness in his eyes that was desperately unlike him.

"What has happened?"

Sirius smiled wanly. "I am afflicted."

"Oh Lord. Is it serious?"

"It feels like it is. How do people bear this?"

It now occurred to Barty that Sirius may be slightly drunk. "Bear what, exactly?"

He took a long sip, not replying. "Have you heard of Remus Lupin?"

"Very few people haven't. Isn't he your artist?"

"Indeed. I am his muse, and have been so for, oh, ten months?"

"Rather a while."

"Yes. Enough time, apparently, to fall completely in love with him. And also, for him to fall in love with me, too."

"That's excellent news!" But now Barty was more baffled still.

"You'd think so, wouldn't you? But alas, there is an issue."

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