which is when the world smiles with us

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Lily snorted in a deeply unladylike fashion, making Marlene laugh harder still while Alice tried frantically to quiet them.

"For heaven's sake girls, do shut up! What will the man think if he finds three cackling women on his doorstep?"

"From what James said he's used to loud company," Lily said, batting at her friends as they cooed at the mention of the man who was clearly smitten with her.

(What the other two women didn't know, of course, was that Lily might be a little smitten, too).

James, after hearing Lily express her interest in art, had asked his specifically artistic friend to meet her. Said friend was called Remus Lupin, and the three women had made their way to his home that sat on the corner of a street, deep inside Florence, which was where they were now.

The street seemed to be the pinnacle of Florentine existence. A heady rush of colour and noise flooded the roads, basking in the clear sunshine. It was almost cramped with beauty, as though every pretty thing had been stuffed there with no rhyme or reason.

Lily intensely adored it.

I tend to talk a lot about people knocking doors. I'm aware, however, that it isn't very interesting. Honestly, does anyone really care that much about doors? I'll keep it brief.

Lily knocked on the door. And because she'd been brought up in strictly polite society, it didn't make a lot of sound, so Marlene nudged her to the side and knocked much more loudly.

And as usual, Lupin didn't open the door, because he was off being specifically artistic, and the three women were met by a maid.

"Can I help you?"

Lily and Alice waited for Marlene to speak, seeing as she was stood in front of them, but Marlene suddenly found her words lost.

Perhaps they'd disappeared into the two dark eyes watching her carefully, almost coldly, the long lashes lowered in caution.


Alice spoke up. "Hello, we're here to meet Remus Lupin?"

"Yes, he mentioned you. I was aware there would only be one woman here however..."

"I'm- we just wanted to see Lily here, that's all," Marlene said, shaking herself from the daze she'd been in.

"Yes, I wanted to see Remus Lupin about his profession in art."

She smiled blandly. "I'll get him for you."

"Thank you."

"Remus! Remus? Remus Lupin!"

They heard someone yell back. "Coming!"

"Do you always need to shout?" Alice asked, smiling sweetly.

The maid smiled a little less blandly. "Every single time."


Marlene and Alice watched as Lily was welcomed into the house by a tall, attractive man.

The maid (who they found out was Dorcas Meadowes) made to close the door, bidding them farewell, when Marlene made a slightly rash decision.

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