'Why is it empty? Chad should still have stuff in here.' I thought. I looked around a little bit more but found no note.

"There you are Dameion." A voice said behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Kacie. "The hunt has been looking for you." She said as she walked up to me.

"What are you doing in Poseidon's cabin? I thought you would be in the woods, not some campers cabin." Kacie said.

I just looked at her and didn't say anything.

"Come on, we should go to Artemis's cabin, before they try looking for us." Kacie said. She turned around and stepped out before stopping again.

"What's this?" Kacie asked. Kacie then bent down and picked up a envelope that had fallen behind the stairs that connected to the front door.

"It looks really old." Kacie said. "Hmm... I can't make out what it says on the envelope." Kacie said as she started walking back to Artemis's cabin and her fellow hunters.

'This should be very interesting.' I thought to myself.


Artemis pov:

I left for my cabin, after the son of Hades told me of the last few days Percy was at camp before he disappeared. It seems to be that when Chad appeared Percy all of a sudden, became a jerk. For the short time I have known Percy, I know that he is a very respectful demigod to those who are nice and kind. He has also got a reputation for pissing of gods and goddesses, if I'm correct Ares is still angry at Percy. But who is Ares not angry at?

I was pulled out of my thoughts, involving the man who took the sky for me, when Kacie and Dameion walked up to me.

"My lady, we found a really old letter at Poseidon's cabin. When I asked Dameion if he knew who it was from he said that Percy wrote it." Kacie said as she handed me the note. I looked down at Dameion, who had a emotionless expression on his wolf face. He remained silent, walked past me to the front of my cabin, where he went to the right of the door, and then curled up and went to sleep.

Kacie and I walked into the cabin where I was bombarded with questions-mainly from Thalia-about what we learned from the trainers.

"What do you mean trainers?" I asked.

"The campers you spoke with are trainers here. They teach demigods about different subjects to help them survive in the mortal world. They were chosen because of not only age and skill level, but life experience too." Thalia explained.

I was about to speak when a voice came from one of my hunters. "What's that in your hand lady Artemis?"

"It is a letter from Percy. Or at least that's what Dameion says." I said as I opened the letter. I read it quickly before I felt anger surge through me.

'He left because of her?! He left because of a broken heart?! Oh, if I find him I'll kill him myself, along with the cheating woman! Even if your heart is broken, it doesn't excuse you to just leave!' I thought angrily.

I dropped the letter and walked outside slamming the door behind me. There is someone I have to talk to, and they won't like it.


Kacie's pov:

Artemis opened the letter and started to read it. Her face went from calm curiosity to uncontrollable rage as she finished reading the letter and dropped it on the floor before leaving the cabin. The last thing we heard was a slam of the front door. We all looked at each other in bewilderment, before Thalia picked up the note and began to read aloud:

To whoever finds this,

This note is to explain for the reason why I left. I guess in simplest terms I left because my girlfriend dumped me, the camp hates me, and my loved ones are dead and gone. My brother Chad is also a factor with all the pranks and everything else he broke and blamed me for. Heck, you probably don't believe it anyways. It wouldn't surprise me if my father disowned me now or later. I don't know where I am going to go or what I am going to do. I have thought about going to the ocean but with my father being Poseidon. I don't think I would find peace. Wherever I go, please don't come looking for me. I want to be left alone so I can think and figure out what I want to do with my life.


Perseus Jackson

I was in tears for my brother. From what the letter said, it seemed as if the whole camp had turned on him.

'If he hated it here, then why are we looking for him here?' I thought to myself as I cried for my missing brother.

I felt an arm on my shoulder which slowly pulled me into a warm embrace.

"Shh! It's ok. We will find him. When we do, you can spend the whole day together. Shh! Shh!" Thalia said in a soothing tone. She continued to comfort me until I fell asleep from exhaustion and emotional stress.


Kacie dream pov:

I dreamed I was in a forest, it actually looked very familiar. The clearing looked like one that was not too far from where our last camping spot was. We had to leave because of the last full moon that sent Dameion crazy.

I was admiring the lovely nature around me when I saw a black male walk into the clearing and sit down on the floor. A few minutes later a large white wolf with light blue eyes entered the clearing.

"You seem to be doing well Lucy." The male said. The wolf walked right up to him then it seemed to change. A few moments later a girl stood where the wolf used to be.

She stood about five foot seven and had a smooth complexion to her. She had short red hair and striking light blue eyes, which seemed to contradict each other. She had on Jean booty shorts and a white tank top, along with brown cowboy boots.

"Yes I am except for the fact that the guy I turned doesn't like me." Lucy said.

The guy raised his eyebrow.

"I'm serious! Dameion, your pack leader, was changed by me. He is supposed to find me on a full moon, to mate. If he doesn't then the wolf side takes over and will go on a rampage, as it looks for its mate, you should know this." Lucy said.

"I do know this, but I don't see the problem." The man said.

"The problem is that for the past seventy-four full moons he has not been looking for me. He doesn't leave the hunters camp. He wanders the border of their camp site and kills anything that moves. I believe that he has feelings for someone else. Probably one of the hunters." Lucy said.

'One of the hunters? Dameion likes one of my sisters? It can't be. He never shifts to human and he stays away from almost everyone. Occasionally he will be sleeping by the bonfire, but often he just stays away.' I thought to myself.

"Are you serious? I really doubt its that he likes a hunter, it's probably that the curse Artemis inflicted upon him makes it really hard to leave." The male said.

Lucy crossed her arms and let out a humph in annoyance.

The dream shifted as I saw a scene that looked like a battle. Campers were fighting against hunters, and vice-versa. The battle seemed to go on for a while, as both campers and hunters were injured but not killed.

'It seems to be a game of some sort... Maybe capture the flag?' I thought. All of a sudden, there was a yell and every hunter froze which caused the campers to freeze. Everyone turned to look at someone. Before I could get a good look I was shaken awake.

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