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I woke up on something really hard, I rub my eyes. "Where am I?" I muttered still sleepy. "Your in the headquarters of the League of Villains." I heard a monotone voice. I gasp and quickly turn. "Big brother!!" I squeal and jumped onto Dabi. He laughed and caught me, "I missed you too little squirt. We all missed you," he said and hugged me tighter. "Is sister still here?" I ask him cuddling into his warmth. "Toga? Yea but not at the moment. She's on a mission right now," he said and carried me with him somewhere. "Guys, she woke up," Dabi shouted and sat me down next to him and the couch. Not even a second later, I was surrounded by everyone. "I heard our little princess is back! Where is she?! Move you ugly peasants!" I giggled. "Mother Kurogiri!" I shouted. Everyone started to laugh. He picked me up off the couch, "Do you know how worried we all were when we heard some hero took you away from us? I freaked out when I went to the pipe and didn't see you there." he scolded me. I sighed and looked down, "But he seemed so nice tho..." I whispered. I felt like crying again, "Even heroes lie and they fake kindness. But look now, you have your whole family together again. But guess what's the best part is!" he said. I looked at him, "What is it?!" I asked him. "You get to meet your father!" he said. I smiled, "I get to meet my daddy today?! REALLY?!" I squealed. "Yes you do little kitten," I looked behind him and saw uncle Tomo. I nod and look back at Kurogiri, "W-will I have to b-become a v-villain?" I ask him. He looked at me confused, "Princess, your far to young. No but there might be a few stealing here and there." he told me. He sat me in a stool at bar and legit buckled me in it. "Well since its almost 11, how about some waffles?" he asked me. I nod so fast, I felt my brain shake. He put his tablet in front of while I watched cartoons. I heard the door open and slam shut. I heard running but my eyes never let the screen. "KITTENNN!" I heard. "Toga don't you dare tackle her! She's fixing to eat and I'm taking her to her father!" Kurogiri shouted at sissy. He took away the tablet and placed a plate of waffles in front of me. "Ooo!" I felt my mouth water from the smell. I dig into the food, "Damn, did that hero not feed you?" Uncle Tomo said. I hissed at him and started to eat my food. "Is she okay? I never seen her so possessive of food..." Dabi whispered.

Mother Kurogiri unbuckled me and made a portal. "Are you ready to finally see your father and do your destiny?" he asked me staring down at me. I nod suddenly feeling determined.

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