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It was a warm night for me again, mommy left me on the bench to get ice cream for me. She told me daddy was coming but she didn't sound happy, more like she was scared. I was excited to see daddy. Although I never met him, mommy talks about him. "Kitten? Where is your jacket?" I quickly turned around and saw mommy hold our ice creams. I smile, "It warm," I told her. She laughed and handed me my ice cream. "Now hurry up and eat it so we can go home. Don't want to stay out too late. It gets dangerous here at midnight, Kitten." mommy explained. I nod and quickly start to eat it. "Whoa, there Kitten, not that fast!" mommy quickly took my ice cream. "B-but...y-yu.." I shut up when I hear some thing. My ear twitch from the sound, Mommy picked me so fast that I couldn't even see straight. She was running with me in her arms, "Mommy, wuy are yu running?"I ask her. She quickly shushed me and jumped to the roofs. She placed me down next to a pipe, "Kitten, I need you to promise me not to leave this spot! And don't go running after me!" She cried. She had tears in her eyes and I didn't understand why. "O-k," I whispered. She rubbed my cheek and I purred, I closed me eyes enjoying it. But when she stopped, I opened my eyes and she was gone..."M-mommy?" I whispered. 

That was years ago, but I never left that place. I made a promise and I kept it even it was years later...even it was 38 years. I'm still the same three year old girl that got left here. After all it was my quirk...I could live forever and not even change one appearance but only my mind. I yawn and do a cat-like stretch. Since Mamma left me here, I noticed that there was a small staircase to the ally next to my spot. That's where I met my, somewhat, new parent, although, she was a actual cat but she was very nice and welcoming to me with her other kittens. Meow, I quickly rushed down to her. I hid behind the dumpster and watched as she hissed at man. He looked extremely tired and had huge dark bags under his eyes. He pulled out a weird block and started to talk to it...Then out of no where, more man came and they tried to take her and my siblings away.  I hiss at them and jump into action, I claw three men and bite one of them. Then I kick the other guy in the head, then everything went black.

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