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"Jessica was your sister. You were 1 years old when she died. Your father and I had her when we were 17. She was 13 when you were born. And died when you were 1." Mom started.

"She was 14 when she hung herself from the bathroom of her school. So that's what your brother means when he says 'we won't't have another Jessica.'" Dad added.

"But then how does James know about all this? He was only 3." I asked.

"Because we told him. We told him and not you because like always, you'd blame yourself. And we knew you had enough issues of your own. And because even though he was 3, he still has a few memories if her." Dad explained.

I don't know why. But that hurt. Even though I know it's true. I know I have problems. But hate to admit it.

"I'm 23, and nobody never fucking told me about this?" I said in a quieter voice.

"The family doesn't like talking about her." Mom sighed.

Before I said anything I'll regret later I stood up and left. I drove home. I was pissed, sad, all of the above. But whatever. There's nothing I can really do about it.

1 week later

"Hey Chris. I'm going to order a pizza, what kind do you want?" Jack said.

"Nothing. I'm not hungry." I shrugged.

He walked back to the counter where I was standing. The store wasn't busy. We're mostly busy in the afternoons on Mondays.

"Dude, what's up? You haven't been eating lunch." He paused for a second and thought. "Are you eating?" He asked.

"I'm fine Jack, I promise." I assured. He crossed his arms.

"Bullshit. You're gonna fucking eat today. Case closed." He demanded.

I rolled my eyes. The pizza soon arrived and he gave me a piece. Insisting that I eat.

"I said I'm not hungry." I sighed.

"I will shove this down your throat." He declared.

"I donr want it damnit." I hissed.

He put me in a head lock and was trying to reach for the pizza.

"What the hell is happening?"

Jack and I looked up. It was James. He let go of me and I pushed him away a little.

"I'm on my lunch break and came here to say hi, and walk in on this." James added.

"It's nothing. Don't worry." I responded.

"Don't bullshit him. You haven't eaten in a week and I tried to force him to eat." Jack answered for me. James glared at me.

"Wow Chris... just, wow..." He sighed walking back out.

We let it go by the time that a lot of people started coming in. The only thing I've been feeding is the cat. I don't know why. But I just haven't been able to eat lately. The store was about to close when the final customer left. I was walking out to go home when Jack grabbed onto my arm.

"I'm following you h I me and coming over." He announced. I rolled my eyes and left. And he did. He followed me the whole way. We walked in.

"Why do you want to come over?" I asked.

"Because I don't trust you." He responded.

He started searching the house. Checking cabinets, drawers, closets everywhere.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked again.

I was following him everywhere he went. He walked downstairs and started searching downstairs. He finally stopped and looked at me.

"Because I know how you get when you feel like the world is ending and life is shit." He sighed. I lifted one eyebrow. Wtf does he mean?

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