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We glared at eachother for a few seconds.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked much more calm.

"Because I didn't think it'd ever come up. I stopped 4 months into our relationship though." I answered. "I thought that even though we're married now you'd leave me."

"Why would I leave you for something you don't do anymore?" She responded. I shrugged.

"Me and Jack used to both do cocaine. We both started at 16. He stopped at 18 when he found out that Jenny was pregnant. And I stopped at 19 because I realized thst my life was going to shit and I didn't want to hurt you." I confessed. She hugged me.

"I'm sorry for getting so mad at you." She apologized.

"No. Don't be sorry. It's my fault for not telling you." I sighed.

About 10 minutes later I decided to go downstairs and call Jack. Damn, I keep mentioning him but haven't said anything about him. Hah. Jack and I have been bestest friends since we were in kindergarten. We both dropped out of high school in senior year. And we're doing pretty good for some drop outs. We run a music store together.

"Hey dude, what's up." He answered the phone.

"Alice and I are gonna be parents! Alice is pregnant!" I announced.

"Congratulations. But you're gonna fucking die." He chuckled. "You're a daisy. You won't survive her being pregnant."

"What do you mean I'm a daisy?" I asked in a way kinda offended.

"Because Alice will have 20 mood swings an hour and will be the most biggest emotional wreck, and you'll blame yourself every time she cries over the smallest thing." He explained.

"No I won't." I assured.

"Whatever dude. Anyway, I gotta go. See ya." He said hanging up. I walked back upstairs.

"Yo Alice. I just thought about something. Your dad's are gonna murder me for getting you pregnant." I laughed when I got upstairs. "But he's just gotta face that we're married, we've been fucking since we first met, but finally decided to have a ba-"

I finally looked up and saw her, her mom, and her dad. We were all frozen looking at eachother awkwardly. Our eyes wide open.

"Surprise..." Alice broke the silence.

"Why?" Her dad sneered. Alice's fists clenched.

"You know what!? Chris and his family has always been so much better than you guys! They are the most kind and supportive people I've ever met! You treat Chris like shit! You treat me like trash! And I don't want either of you in our child's life! Cause we're both sick and tired of it!" Alice finally snapped.

"Good! We didn't want to watch you two raise a mess anyway!" Her dad yelled.

They then stomped out. Alice was still mad. I stood there still in shock of what just happened with no words. She let go of the breath she was holding and her face muscles relaxed. She turned her head and looked at me with a face of guilt. She ran up and hugged me tight. Luckily the door to downstairs was shut or I would've fallen down the stairs.

"It's okay. Don't be mad. Don't stress over it. It's not good for you." I tried to comfort her

"I know... but I never yelled at them before." She sighed. I rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"It'll all be okay. You can trust me." I assured.

I picked her up and wrapped her legs around me holding her up and kissed her.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you more than anything."

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