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I went downstairs to wait for her to get home. I put the book on the side table and played my guitar.

"Hey Chris. I'm back." She said

She walked down the stairs. I put my guitar up and tried everything I could to stay strong and stand up right.

"Do you think our marriage is failing?" I got straight to the point.

"What? Why would you think that?" She asked. I grabbed the book and held it up for her to see it.

"Then why the hell did this come in the mail addressed to you?" I responded.

She gasped. I tried my best not to yell, not to cry. She tried to grab it but I pulled it back.

"No, answer me first." I demanded. She fell onto her knees.

"Fine! Yes I do! It's just that I felt like you've been lying about something, when I'm really the liar!" She cried.

"What do you mean you're the liar?" I asked.

"I've fallen in love with another man." She confessed. I looked down.

"Some failing marriages end for a reason..." I sighed. She looked up.

"What? Please, Chris. You're not being serious. I still love you." She begged.

"I don't care. Pack your bags and leave, it's Sunday so city hall isn't open, so we'll file a divorce tomorrow." I said.

We went upstairs. I helped her pack up all of her stuff and put it in her car. She gave me her house key and got in her car.

"Meet me at City Hall tomorrow at 10am sharp." I demanded.

"I love you." She whispered.

"See you tomorrow Alice." I sighed closing her door.

I walked back inside and finally broke. I sobbed, punched things, kicked things, broke and tore apart our wedding photos and any other philosophy of us or her. My heart was shattered into a trillion little pieces. I finally gave up. I went downstairs and got out my gun. I called Jack. I don't know why. I had a feeling that I had to. My hands were shaking.

"Hey dude, what's up?" He answered the phone.

"Talk me out of it." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Talk me out of blowing my brains out and ending it." I begged.

He hung up. I wrote a suicide note and put the gun in my mouth. I was sitting on the concrete floor

"CHRIS! CHRIS WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I heard yelling from upstairs.

It was Jack. I forgot that I gave him a key. He ran down the stairs and darted towards me. He threw the gun across the room and tackled me to the ground. I was on my stomach on the floor. He held my wrists together behind my back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He yelled.

"I want it to end. I want to fucking die." I repsonded.

"What do mean? Why would you want that? What about Alice and the baby?" He asked.

"There is no Alice and the baby." I sighed. "Alice had a miscarriage. We tried again, and it didn't work. Today we tried again... and I found out that she fell in love with another man. And we're getting a divorce now." He slowly let go of my wrists and I sat up.

"Well that's still no reason to take your own life." He said. "So many people love you and will miss you."

"Like who?"

"Me, your nieces and nephews, your parents, your brother, everyone." He paused for a second. "And imagine if this time Alice really gets pregnant with your child, do you really wanna take away the small chance that they will have a father?" I shook my head no.

"But Alice was the love of my life. I was never happy until I met her."

"I know, and it's gonna be hard for a while, but you just gotta realize that it'd be better this way, you don't want her to continue cheating on you." He assured.

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