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The next morning I woke up, took a shower, and got dressed. I put in something nice to go to City Hall. And I had to contain myself. I drove there and was 15 minutes early than when I told Alice to be there. James was standing outside the doors. I walked up to him.

"Hey bro, are you here to help me through this? Thanks." He greeted.

"No, Alice and I are getting a divorce too. Found out yesterday that she was cheating on me." I sighed.

"Damn. I guess it runs in the family. Sorry bout that." He apologized.

"It's fine. Yesterday after she left I tried to blow my brains out but Jack talked me out of it. And he told me to remember that it's better this way, cause it'd be worse for her to continue cheating on me." I shrugged as if that's completely normal to say. He slapped me across the face.

"No! We are not having another Jessica!" His eyes widened and he covered his mouth after saying that.

"Who's Jessica?" I asked.

"Look. Alice is here." He changed the subject.

Wtf. Ugh. She came with a guy. Pfft. I crossed my arms and had a straightened posture. She came up to me.

"Chris, we need to talk in private, please." She said. I rolled my eyes and agreed.

"Make it quick." I hissed.

"It worked. I'm pregnant. And before you say ir, it is yours. Isaac and I haven't had sex yet." She announced. "But... I don't want it..."

"What? Why don't you?" I asked I was trying not to show my anger.

"Because. Now that I'm with Isaac, I don't want to keep your child. But I don't know what you want to do with it. And I thought I'd leave it up to you." She explained.

"I'm getting custody of them when they're born." I declared.

"Thanks what I was hope for..." She whispered.

I stomped away. We got divorce papers and signed them. And we were officially over. Before we left I looked at her.

"Called me whenever you hear any news about the baby." I demanded.

The only thing I could then think about was the Jessica thing. So I decided to go over to my parents to ask them about it. I knew James wouldn't tell me. I knocked on their front door. And my dad answered.

"Hi Chris, how are you?" He answered the door.

"I could be better... but I just... have a question for you and mom." I responded. He let me in and we sat at the kitchen table.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mom asked.

"Yesterday I learned that Alice fallen in love with another guy and today we went to City Hall to file a divorce. I also found out that she's pregnant with my child and I'm taking custody when they're born... but that's off subject." I started. "James was there to get divorce papers too for him and Stephenie. I told him about what happened yesterday. And told him about how when she left I tried to blow my brains out but luckily Jack talked me out of it. He told me that we donr need another Jessica then refused to tell me anymore. And I was hoping that you guys could hopefully tell me."

I was talking so fast trying to just get it out. Their eyes widened and fright, sadness, and regret washed over their faces. I instantly felt bad for asking.

"I'm sorry for asking... I-I just wanted to know..." I apologized.

"No, don't be sorry. It's about time we tell you..." My dad said.

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