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4 Months later

It's been 4 months now and Alice and I are both 23. My family has been helping out and checking in with us more than usual. Alice's stomach has grown. And so has her levels of emotions.

It was 2 pm on Friday so I only had 4 hours left until I get the weekend with Alice.

"I never wanna be a music teacher." Jack started. He looked up from his phone to make sure I was listening. "Cause imagine how hard it'd be to not get caught Fingering A-Minor."

We both burst out laughing. My phone then started to ring. It was Alice. I was still laughing when I picked up the phone.

"Come to the hospital right now." She demanded then hanging up. Wtf.

"Alice just called and told me to go to the hospital right now. I'm sorry dude, but I gotta go." I said running out.

I got the hospital fast as I could and found out her room number. I walked in.

"What's wrong!? What happened!?" I panicked. It was Alice and a nurse.

"Is this the dad?" The nurse asked. Alice shook her head yes. I ran up closer to the bed. "The doctor will be in in one second, I'll leave you two to talk. She then left.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"Chris, I went to the bathroom at work and I started bleeding." She said.

"Yeah, so? It's your dreaded period. It happens every month." I was confused. She looked up.

"You don't bleed when you're pregnant." She whispered.

It then hit me. Oh my god. I sat down on the chair. I was slunched over with my elbows on my knees and my hands covering my face. My hat fell onto the floor making my hair fall down and cover the rest of my face. The doctor then came in.

"Are you ready?" The doctor asked. Alice nodded her head.

I couldn't look. I wasn't able to. It'd hurt too much. The thought of it already murders me. I bit my lip trying everything I could do to not cry. It was finally done. They got everything cleaned up etc.

"I'm sorry for your loss, do you have any questions?" The doctor apologized.

"Do you know the reason for this to happen?" I asked.

"Well Alice seems to look fine. It could be really anything though. We check tour sperm if you'd like."

I looked at Alice then shook my head yes. I did what they told me to do and we left. We didn't speak during the car ride. We were too devastated to say anything. We walked in and she went straight to our room.

We have already started getting the baby's room all ready and everything. I opened the spare bedroom where the baby's room would've been and stood leaned up against the doorframe. Imagining what it could be like. Hoping that we'll he able to have kids.

I walked to our room and slowly walked in. She was sitting on the edge of the bed looking down with David Meowie right next to her. He could tell something was wrong so he tried to comfort her. I sat next to her and looked down too.

"What if we can never have babies?" She broke the silence.

"We will. I promise. We'll find a way." I assured.

Well... hopefully. I wasn't so sure myself. But wanted her to feel better.

"We could always try again." I implied putting my hand on her leg.

"I know." She responded pushing my hand off.

"Look at me." I insisted. She looked up at my eyes and I held both her hands. "It's gonna happen. We're someday gonna be parents. I know it. Everything happens for a reason."

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