4 Leave...

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Heyyy guys wassap.
I wanna tell you guys TO TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN!!!
I want to see what you guys think.
Anyways, Enjoy!!


I sat down at my office chair and saw the new file sat on my oak desk.
It was labelled :

Suggestions for books

Oh. I forgot these would come in today.
I slid the first paper out the cheap plastic wallet.

Manga please!

Do you have 'Lemony Snicket?'

'Harry Potter! Thank you!'

Haha. It's nice to see people care about what's in the library. I appreciate the fact they even come here.

I smiled and typed in all the suggestions on my computer to see if I could get them shipped to us from a different library or a different country.

Just then Taehyung burst through the door.


"What did I say about not knocking?".

"Sorry Namjoon Hyung, but this is important!"
Taehyung rushed.

"Go on..."

"J-Jin told me to tell you to meet him at the clinic with Yoongi... He says it's important."

~~Magical time skip~~
~~At the medical clinic~~.

"Jin? What's wrong?"
I stepped into the clean office with Taehyung.

Jin was stood up looking terribly disappointed behind his desk, with his head down in sadness.

Yoongi was sat with a look of guilt on the office chair. He also was looking down.

"Everything's wrong..."
Jin responded.

I was cut off my sentence.

"I thought you were my partner!!". His voice was getting louder by the second.
"I.. I don't understand. What's going on?"
I replied, confused out of my mind.

"I never thought I was a soulmate with such a person..."
I noticed a tear slide from Jins eye.

"I don't understand...
I'm not any of those things... Who told you this??!!?"

I was angry for Jin actually believing that I was someone who was something so evil..

"You know what....

That's Him? 《Namjin》Where stories live. Discover now