Construction ongoing

Start from the beginning

                Every checkpoints was always surrounded by eagle eyes. I'm not talking about the soldiers with the guns, I'm talking about the parents with the stares. Every house was like cctvs, either the father was watching over his son or daughter or the mother with the "proud-eyes" looking proudly to his son/daughter.

{A checkpoint in a certain town}

                 A soldier who was roasting some delicious looking chickens for his comrades.

Soldier: I feel like someone is eyeing the students with weird intention. (breeze flowing right in his face)

               Student: That's probably my father, southwest-7 o'clock, open window, dark room.

             "Why is your father looking at you and me with those red glowing eyes, and what's more in a dark room."

Students: Probably because why I still haven't eaten his lunch box and I'm waiting for your chickens to be fully cooked. Jealousy I think......

              "Please eat your lunch box"

Students: Anyway, why did the academy received firearms, while our school didn't get any?

           "Your probably thinking, when do we get to try those guns, when do we get to participate in their training, etc. something like that but you should feel lucky we were stationed in the kingdom."

             "Your seniors by now are probably talking about "When do we get break fast?"
"Don't worry, I've seen a glimpse on our tents, and I have seen a smoke" "Meaning breakfast is near, let's finish this hell once and for all" 

              "Everyone here are still young, have fun with commitment to serve the kingdom in the future, and be kind to our people"

(sfx: sniff)

                :The Chickens done! 

              : The Rice is also done at this side.

          Breakfast time.

               The students had their breakfast a little earlier, and they're asking for more....

"Can we have a chicken?" Plea~ase

"There's only 5 of you, are planning to eat those chickens 2 each?"

        Soldier: Here's 6 chickens.....

       "Wait wut?"

                Soldier: We were planning to give some to you after watching that you guys only had some......(whisper) not looking good meat and vegetables handed to you from your parents.

Red eyes became ultra instinct white.

"Wait....That's too much" eyes ready to launch water.

                 Soldier: And I've seen some students here only received a small amount of food for their breakfast, I ain't prying no more. 

                Soldier: Distribute this to the rest of your comrades...... Soldier.

 The ultra instinct eyes went out, the students cried tears of joy. The parents who was at the sidelines were also in tears.

                Father  "I'm sorry son, I was not able to provide you enough" sobb

                           Mother "Daughter, I'm soryyy" Sobbing

Noble Father: Oi Oi Oi
                       : A noble shouldn't beg to a commoner.

             's your own decision son.

 Mother: I should have bought a bigger box, after all, she's a growing girl.

                 Soldier: Kids, line up for your rice!

                   Rice were distributed. At first the parents were suspicious on what the soldiers were given to their children, but after watching them ate with happiness, none didn't do a single thing.

             O   O   O   O   O   O   O   O   O  O

                   Red dot signal blinking. A soldier who was on the lookout at the side noticed suspicious movements at the side. They noticed someone with an unfamiliar air, blended at the side.

                   o   o    o    o   o  o   o   o

                   Green dot signal. The soldier who was talking to the students just now gave a green light without everyone noticing, not even the students. Meaning: Permission Granted, Apprehend without anyone noticing

                  "I noticed it"
                     The student he was talking to, whispered beside him.

                    The soldier sighed.

                   "I'm a soldier to senior-comrade" (smirk)

                   "And I'm sure the rest also noticed someone blended at the side with their parents."

                  "Let us handle it"

Soldier: It's to dangerous, you don't even have a gun.

                 "I could say the same to the enemy"


            The soldier signaled the rest to wait and see.

              (smirk) The rest students smirked.

               They all saluted and turned around from their seniors.


          "APPREHEND THEM!"

Soldier: Them?

                   They all ran from different sides while the others tried to captured the one who was blending in. A student crash to a wall carrying the blending man. He was easily captured because he hesitated and startled. He tried to crawl his way up but one after another tried to crash with them, thinking it was fun and all. 

                   The rest of the soldiers followed the scattered soldiers, while the soldier who was acting-captain apprehended the knocked out guy.

                    After some time, they all came back gathered in the checkpoint. There were 5 apprehended people, forced to kneel for interrogation.

                    "Does the people in this town knows this people?!"

The soldier  asked.

                    None answered....

                  Some students and a soldier who was with them confessed they are from this town ,but they don't know this people.

                    The acting-captain ordered a soldier to send the captured people to the academy's base(tent) for interrogation. 

                    "Wait, what if someone tries to rescue them or they try to escape? a student asked

"Hey, what are guns for?" The soldier answered his question with a question.


(Construction SITE)

              "The Pentagon is finally looking like a fortress" (smirk)

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