Chapter 4- Pretty Woman

Start from the beginning

"Hello."  Hope says, her voice meek and her figure closing up like a clam.  Her arms circled her waist and she bowed her head in embarrassment. 

"Well helloooo to you too." 

Sammy took his sweet time scrutinizing Hope in her sweatpants, worn out shirt, white socks and her nest-like hair.  He did a slow circle around her like she was some sort of museum piece on display.  There was a long pause as he rested his closed fist under his chin, his beady eyes narrowed.

"Oooooh, honey child. . .I ain't ever seen hair like this.  A woman should wear her hair like a crown.  You look like you've been taking styling tips from an Amazonian."

Hope quickly touched her hair, her face flaring red. 

Zayn's jaw dropped in utter astonishment. 

"Take that back."  He demanded, ready to plunder Sammy with his fists. 

"I'm not intentionally insulting her!  Poor thing!  My eyes hurt just looking at her!  She needs a make-over stat!"  Sammy argued. 

Hope just stood there, unable to say a word.  Mute.

"What's going on here, hmmm?  You doing some sort of before and after piece I don't know about?  She looks like she's auditioning for Aladdin's long lost street rat sister."

"What the hell is the matter with you?"  Zayn shouted, taking a step ready to backhand him. 

Sammy scurries quickly away and takes cover behind Hope.  She stiffened at the close contact. 

"I'm exactly what the doctor ordered. Good thing I'm here, doctor and all.  Your name most certainly does not reflect your situation, girlfriend.  The only hope you have is moi."  He whispered to her. 

Zayn stopped, hearing him, and he was stuck with an idea.

He hated to admit it, but Sammy was right. 

Hope did need a make-over.  A major one.  She was a mess.  Zayn was sure she was embarrassed by her hair. 

Who better to help her other than Sammy?  Might as well make use of him while he was in the country.  Besides that, it'll help him keep him out of his way and out of serious trouble. 

He hoped.

Sammy and trouble go hand-in-hand.   With occupying him with Hope, he would accomplish not killing him and helping his guest who was in dire need of a mentor who knew designer, hair, skincare, had the time, plus the expertise to deliver the results Hope needed to be more confident in her appearance. 

Helping her become the beauty hidden beneath all the months of neglect would definitely raise her self-esteem and help her get her back on her feet ready to take on the world.  Perhaps it would help her out of the shell she's having trouble coming out of. 

She needed this and she most definitely needed Sammy.  She would be in good hands. 

Zayn turns to face Hope. 

"Damn girl, you got more dirt under you nails than Trump's sheets."  Sammy mutters lifting one of her small hands close to his face.  "There's enough dirt under there to produce soil!"

It took all his power not to strangle Sammy in front of Hope, keeping his hands fisted to his sides.

However, he couldn't deny it.  Hope would benefit greatly from Sammy's stay.

Zayn takes a deep controlled breath through his nose and exhales. 

"I have a job for you since you're here. . .Waiting for you. . .Chanel bag.  You're going to keep busy and be a good and courteous friend and take care of Hope.  You will assist her in picking out new clothes, shoes, bags, everything she needs plus take her to a salon to enhance her beauty.  Do you think you can do that, Sammy?" He inquired.  "You are after all an expert in all the things I listed, are you not?"

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