my sleeves

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My sleeves used to be short
They were white and bright
But now
They are long
And the only colors I wear
Are dark and dismal
The red from my arms will not show through
But 1It still remains
It stays
As a constant reminder.
my sleeves are longer
They conceal what I feel
Less likely to stand out or draw attention.
I just want to be normal
To fit in.
At least that's what I used to think.
Now i realize that pretending is what caused this in the first place
Wanting to be "normal"
What is normal anyway
Being like the popular kid
Being average
What is it truly.
Its nothing more that a construct of what society believes we should be.
In all honesty no one is normal
Some are just better at pretending than others
I guess I'm not one of them
And maybe that's not so bad

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