here we are again

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I got yelled at again, so heres a poem/shitpost idk I'm just typing.

I know okay SHUT UP.
I can hear you, I'm not fucking deaf.
You threaten me with throwing things, I'm pretty sure your not supposed to do that as a parent.
You told me your mother threw things at you too.
They why the fuck are you doing it to me
I know your conscious of your actions.
You almost through your phone.
You said.
"I almost threw this at you"
The set it down picked up another item and fucking yeeted that shit at my face.
You said you never through things at me.
I'm pretty sure you stopping pick up something a throwing it at my face, so then I had to block it.
Is considered throwing something at me.
Shut the fuck up
I'm done with your shit.
I'm getting tired of just hunkering down, staying quiet, and trying my best not to cry.
Ya know, at least it wasnt a knife this time. So that's a plus.
But still, I dint like things being thrown at me, of you need to let out your anger, try punching a pillow or some shit, I dont care, punch a wall, whatever.

Just stop fucking blaming me and taking your anger out in me, I'm 15
your other daughters had to deal with this shit, but at least they had each other and a fucking dad.
They just tell me. "Deal with it for now, then get out and get therapy" fan-fucking-tastic
Tell a 15 year old, who already wants to kill themselves, to deal with an abrasive 70 year old, who has the shortest fucking temper, to just...wait it out.
Great job, adult.

God I cant wait to get some therapy for this shit, even tho I dont want to feel better about myself and I'm most likely gonna die b4 then, but whateves. Anywho, imma go read a book or some shit, maybe contemplate death, who knows it's up in the air at this point

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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