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I met a teacher
Who was the best I've seen
He understood us
More than we knew
He tried his best
Yet it still fell through
For those that wouldn't admit what they've been through
He told us stories
And helped us through
He told us how this world was cruel
Some of us knew
Some of us didn't
Yet we were all quite for that minute
He told us how people look for the basics
They find the quality's that find the best
They befriend
But in the end
They look for mistakes
They find them and continue to dig
To find our flaw
All that we've done wrong
And they exploit it
They don't bother to go deeper
To see our sorrows
Find what things we keep closed off
No one bothers to go beyond the wall
That we put up to protect ourselves
But what we need the most
Is for someone to care
To embrace our flaws and still be there
That is what this teacher taught me
I find it more valuable
Than how to find a quality
Or any algebraic equation
I wish to say thank you
For you actually cared
And let us know that we were there
We would not be forgotten
We would not be useless
That someone wished
To get to know us at last

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