The Final Battle Has Begun

Start from the beginning

He made a small roar at them but not in a mean way

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He made a small roar at them but not in a mean way. "Godzilla is saying thank you for saving him from the brink of death." Said Miana and Maina.

"Your welcome big guy!" Shouted Mikoto. "Now find Ghidorah and kick his scaly butt!" she said.

Godzilla nodded as he turned around and begin to swim but not before made a ital splash at them. They laughed at this.

Godzilla is back and was ready for the final showdown. He is heading to where every kaiju is heading now. Academy City. The final showdown between good and evil is about to take place there. The epic conclusion between Godzilla and Ghidorah will finally begin. Only one of them will be the Alpha.


Academy City............

"See anything?" Asked Uiharu as she was looking over the horizon to keep a look out for Ghidorah.

"Nope." Said Saten as she had her own pair of binoculars.

"Nothing." Said Kuroko as she tried to look for Ghidorah as well.

It has been two hours since they played that audio. In that span of time, the kaijus that have been under the control of Ghidorah have heard the sound and begin traveling here to Academy City.

The girls would have thought that Ghidorah would be the first to appear soon. But so far, Ghidorah has yet to make a dramatic entrance. But that was about to change.

"Um.... girls?" Said a nervous Uiharu as she got the others attention. From where she was staring at, their was a coming storm that looked like it was alive. The clouds looked it was going ot cover up the entire Academy City.

"Inside. Now!" Order Kuroko as they quickly went to the door that has stairs going into the control room from before. By the time, they got through it, the storm had just entered the city.

The girls quickly got inside of the control room to look through the control room window to see that the storm has complete covered every part of Academy City.

"Should we call Misaka?" asked a nervous Saten.

"Yes. just let me..." Before Kuroko could finished her sentence, Ghidorah landed in the middle of the stadium causing the room to shake hard. This cause the girls to fall to the floor.

"We are here. Where is the creature that dares challenge us?" Asked the left head of Ghidorah.

"I am not seeing him. Maybe he turn tail and ran?" asked the right head.

"No. If he is not here then that means we feel for a human trick. Destroy whats creating that sound." Order the middle head.

The left head and the right head looked around for whats creating that sound that lure them here. Once they looked at the speakers, they slam their jaws onto the stadium speakers and completely destroyed it.

Academy City KaijuWhere stories live. Discover now