1) I Have A What Now?!

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"This is mine? The entire thing?" My mind was blowing circuits left and right. There was no way.

The older woman rolled her eyes for the fiftieth time. It would be fair to mention it was probably my fiftieth time asking her the same question.

She sighed and handed me a piece of paper, "Yes, the entire Alastair estate was to be given to you, as stated in the will. All the furniture was given to you, including the chest with 50,000 dollars in cash inside of it. The Alastair orchard is included in the estate."

Luckily I had already received the chest, my heart could live another day. I'm quite sure it wouldn't have survived a double-whammy, 50,000 bucks and a legit mansion all in one day. The estate was too much already.

I looked at the paper in my hands, it was a copy of the will. When I had first seen it I couldn't focus on much else other than money. Now that I was seeing the property I'd inherited, the money was almost less impressive. Almost.

The woman clear her throat and I looked back up at her, "There was one last thing that your Grandmother left you," She held out a velvet case, "Her instructions were to put it on and never take it off. If you have any questions I wrote my number on the copy of the will, have a nice day."

I watched as she got into her Mercedes and drove down the wooded dirt road, leaving a trail of dust in her wake. She was the woman my Grandmother had named to carry out the will, her stingy lawyer. What an old woman would need with a lawyer was beyond me.

I looked back down at the velvet box in my hand, what was inside it? It gave a little resistance before it finally opened with a creak. Inside was the most beautiful and unique necklace I had ever seen. It was glass with a teardrop shape. The teardrop was reversed so the pointed end was face down instead of up. Inside was a delicate miniature Rose. It's petals were as red a blood and rested perfectly in the glass. On the top was an intricate silver piece that attached the glass to the chain. It reminded me of a Tiffany lamp.

I gasped as a memory rushed to the surface of my consciousness.

I was playing in the Alastair's parlor with my stuffed animals. Mr. Macintosh and his daughter Lamby were a journey to save Mrs. Macintosh. The sheep had to make it through the lava pit before they could take on Sock Monkey.

The sock monkey was my brother's and so his stuffy was the bad guy. My play was disturbed by a small chuckled from the doorway. I turned to see my beloved Grandmother.

"Grammy!" I ran and hugged her legs.

"Hello Rabbit," She hugged me back, "What are you playing?"

I ran back to where Lamby was laying on the coffee table, "I'm playing stuffed animals!"

She walked to the sofa and sat down, her body sinking into the cushions and causing Mrs. Macintosh to topple to the floor.

"No!" I snatched her off of the floor as quickly as possible, "The ground is lava, you made her fall in!"

She gasped, "Oh no! What are we going to do?"

"Hurry Grammy, if you give her a kiss she will be all better!"

She took the toy from my hand and gave it a big smooch. I giggled and jumped onto the couch next to her, "My turn Grammy!"

Grammy laughed and started planted kisses all over my face, "Stop! Stop! Grammy that tickles!"

She stopped and held me in her lap. As she hugged me my eyes caught a glint on her chest. Without thinking I reached out to touch it.

"Nessa what are you-"

My hand wrapped around the necklace, "It's so pretty."

She smiled and wrapped her hand around mine, "It's pretty yes, but what it represents is so much more beautiful."

My wide hazel eyes peered up at my Grammy's crystal blue, "What does it wepweesent Grammy?"

"That's something you'll learn when you're older. For now, know that it is the beacon of hope for those who have none."

My brows furrowed, "What does that mean?"

Her eyes glittered with playfulness and her body tensed, "It means... the tickle monster is gonna get you!"

I squealed and jumped off her lap. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me with the best tickle monster in the whole world chasing after me.

I felt my eyes water at the bittersweet memory. The day after, she and my Dad had a huge fight. We left and never spoke ever again. This necklace had been my Grandmother's most prized possession. She never took it off. And now she had given it to me, with the instruction to never take it off.

"Know that it is the beacon of hope for those who have none." Her words wrung in my head.

With shaky hands I pulled the necklace out of the box and clasped it around my slender neck. I turned and faced the massive manor in front of me. With a deep breath I headed inside. I was ready, ready to take on the manor, orchard and whatever else came with it.

Hello Ducklings! I'm super excited for this story! It's a story for me to just have fun writing, sometimes an idea just comes to you and it's too good to let go.

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