Chapter 2: Cafè

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Chapter 2: Café

~ Olive ~

Blurred images of London passed through my window as I headed to a small café that I found from my last visit here a few years ago. It really is a big city but at the same time really picturesque that's why I decided to bring my DSLR and polaroid with me, besides it was dad who advised me to familiarize myself to the new surroundings. But even though he won't say it, I knew he was also asking me to find small roads near Interpol that would be essential if we need a quick escape... Or if I need a quick escape.

I parked my car in front of the café and got out. The last time I was here was two years ago which didn't even lasted more than three weeks.

I looked around the place before entering the café. The first thing I smelled was the strong aroma of coffee beans. The whole café was themed vintage. Old paintings were lined up on the walls, the tables and chairs looked like they've been made in the 1980s and somehow I felt like I've been brought back thirty years ago.

At the far left corner of the café, I noticed a familiar blond headed boy with his back facing me. I didn't need to see his face to say it was Alex, I know how him well enough, even the way he sits.

I sat in a table right next to window, taking a picture of a couple walking hand in hand outside. Sometimes the most beautiful pictures were the ones taken unnoticed because those were the moments that people are being themselves, being who they are. Those were the moments where you can see how beautiful life can be. For them.

Soon enough a smiling waitress approached me and asked for my order. She has a shoulder length curly brown hair, small green eyes, chubby face, maybe in her mid- 30s, and a huge smile was plastered on her face.

" Good Morning, Miss!" She greeted happily with her thick British accent , passing me the menu. I smiled, " Hey." I'm defiantly starting to like her. The bright aura she had was something I would like to spend a lot of time with.

" What can I get for you?" She asked, her smile never fading. I wonder if I could ever smile that big considering how much dangerous my lifestyle is. Sometimes I wonder if I'd ever reach thirty or maybe if I'm that lucky, 35? But I know it's impossible since in every job that we do, I was the one always being in the line of death.

" Uh..." I quickly browsed the menu. I didn't really want anything except for a nice warm cup of coffee.

" How about a Caramel Latte?" I asked, looking up from the menu. " Sure." She scribbled down my order on her small notebook. " Any refreshments?"

I shook my head, " No, thanks. I still have a lot of important things to do. " I politely declined her offer. I need to go real soon, there's still a lot of possible exits near Interpol I haven't checked out yet, and for the record, I haven't gone around London that much.

" But we have the best Carbonara! You have to try at least one of those!" The waitress pleaded. " Fine." I sighed before smiling.

" Yes! I'll prepare it personally for you!" She said happily and skipped away like a little kid.

" Woah." I took a deep breath. I'm sure if realizes who I am- a daughter of one of the world's most wanted man-, she wouldn't be able to crack a single smile in fear.


As I sat alone, staring at the window, the events of the past few weeks started sinking in. Getting a call from dad, traveling from Italy to UK, telling us that we are going to steal some kind of chip, designing and building the flip cars, customizing the vehicles that we would use after breaking in in the Interpol headquarters, it all happened too fast that I didn't really had the time to take it all in. And tomorrow, it's the big day.

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