Chapter 15: Lost and Found

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Chapter 15: Lost and Found

~ Alex ~

" Olive!" I yelled as I ran after her. " Olive stop." I called, I saw her bumped a lady but still she continued to run. I took out my phone and called Dominic as I approached the lady who dropped her coffee because of Olive. " Dom, we got a problem. Olive's on the loose, Get someone to find her. Now." I hunged up before he could even answer. " Hey, I'm really sorry about that." I said looking at the coffee on the floor. " But where did the girl go?" I gasped as I tried to catch my breath. " She took a right turn, Why?" I smiled. " Thank you." I said and started to run but I turned around again and looked at her. " I'm Alex, by the way and uh I owe you a drink."

" Elena." she said and I nodded before continuing to run. Olive where in the hell are you going?


" Did you find her?" I asked as I entered the base, Unfortunately I lost Olive ont second turn around the NATO base and couldn't find any traces that could lead me to where she went. " Can someone please explain to me what the hell is happening around here? Who the hell is missing?" Roman stood from the corner. I sat on a stair and buried my head on my hands. " She asked for his dad, And I told him he's gone." Silence filled the air for a few moments before Brian spoke. " You shouldn't have told her." I looked at Brian with a frown. " Well, what do you expect me to tell her? He's fine?" I stood up in annoyance. " What'd she say?" Tej asked. " Nothing." I shrugged. " She just stared for like thirty seconds then she took off, running to the door. Didn't even looked at me once."

" We gotta find her." Dominic said. Trying to be the dad huh? I thought. " Before something happens." Dominic looked at me. " Alex where do you think she would go?" I shook my head. " I dont know um, quiet place somewhere dark somewhere you could think." I said as I ran a hand through my hair. " We'll have a little problem on that one " Tej walked towards us. " It's already dark outside. For all we know she could be anywhere by now."

" I've informed the Commander about Olive and he says it's his job so he'll do it." Hobbs said as he descend downstairs with Elena on his tow. " Every soldier has been informed about her, if they see her they'll tell us the first thing." Elena said. What's she doing here?
" Elena right?" I looked at her with wide eyes. " Yeah." She nodded. " Wait, You know each other?" Brian asked as he held his sleeping son. " No. The girl you we're looking for bumped me and spilled my coffee." She said. " You're a cop." I was dumbfounded, I didn't see that one coming.

" All the gates are alerted. If they saw her, they're not gonna let her pass until we say so." She ignored me.

" She'll find a way out if she wants to."

" How about the cameras, did you check them."

" Yeah, looks like she used the north exit so it's either she's on the north, east, or west side of the base."

" Alright, we split into three teams me and Elena will go through the east side, you -" Hobbs looked at Letty. " and Toretto check the north side while Tej, Roman and Alex will check the west side." We all looked at him. Silence filling the air .

"Come on, let's find that little hacker." He said and we all got ready as he and Elena disappeared on a door nearby.

" I'm going to help." I heard Brian tell Dom. " No, we need someone in here to alert us incase she comes back. And watch Han out." I looked at Han who was quietly talking with Tej. I know that he's feeling the exactly the same as Olive, the only difference is he didn't let his emotions take over him.

" Everyone, listen. If someone sees her inform us, Okay." After everything was settled we went on our own ways me, Tej, and Rome on the west side. Like Hobbs had instructed, all with the same goal; to find Olive and keep her safe.

~ Elena ~

We've been searching for hours but still we didn't managed to find any traces of that Olive anywhere. " She's really good at hiding. She managed not to leave any traces even when she's in the middle of an emotional breakdown." Hobbs said as he look around the area. " We're almost at the fence." I said as he called Olive's name once again. The sun was just beginning to rise on the horizon giving us a warm orange glow. " Look at that." I looked at where Hobbs was looking and saw a figure on the grass leaning on an old barracks and positioned directly to the sunrise.

" Do you think it's her?" I asked. " That's definitely her. No one in their right mind would go as far as this." He said as we slowly walked towards her, careful so we would not to startle her and cause a bigger problem.

When we reached the figure, it was a blonde girl wearing only a loose tanktop, black jeans and was barefooted. " How in the world did she take the coldness out here?" Anyone could've mistaken her for a dead body if it wasn't for her chest that was slowly rising and falling with each breath she takes. " I have no idea." Hobbs said as he took Olive on the ground and carried her bridal style. " Tell Dom we found the little hacker." Hobbs said as I took out my phone and dialed Dominic's number.

~ Alex ~

" Yeah, get her checked first then get her to the plane." I told Dom over the phone before I hunged up. Thank God I thought. She's safe. I looked at Tej and Roman who was also looking at me expectantly. " Hobbs found her." I said. " Where?" Roman asked as he followed me back to the base. " Near the fence, Hobbs said she's freezing cold when they found her."

" She got that far on her own? Tej looked at me like I'm crazy or something. " She's got a nasty temper." I smiled and continued to rush back to the base.

Sophia Toretto (Fast and Furious Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें