Chapter 12: Leaving Her Behind

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Chapter 12: Leaving Her Behind

~ Olive ~

I sat on the stairs beside Alex as we watched Hobbs and Sergeant Roelfs, the NATO commander got into an argument about the chip. " I can't believe they stole a seventy-ton tanker tank for a three-ounce computer chip." Sergeant Roelfs said, looking at the chip. " That three-ounce computer chip is more deadly than a thousands of those tanks." Hobbs said looking at him. " He looks familliar." I whispered. " Yeah, I just can't remember where I saw him."

" What about her?" The sergeant asked, walking towards Letty's direction or our direction because we were sitting just behind the stairs where she is sitting. " Not her." Dom blocked the Sergeant's way with Brian on his tow. " She was working with Shaw." Sergeant Roelfs looked at him. " Was. But she's always been one of us."

" Let's give them a minute." Sergeant looked at us and I know what's going to happen next. " Showtime." Alex whispered beside me as he stood up so did I. " And them?" Like I expected, Sergeant Roelfs walked towards us, going in between Dom and Brian before he stopped a few paces infront of us. "Um, Actually we're not really a part of their team so?" Alex said but Roelfs ignored him and cotinued to glare at me, Then suddenly I remembered where I've seen him before, he worked for Xavier a few years ago before we got caught. " And you, Owen Shaw's daughter, wanted in more than 12 countries around the globe so you're the ' huge threat' everyone was talking about a few years ago, It's nice to finally meet you."

" I never said I was his daughter did I? Neben den wir bereits kennen, warum stellen Sie sich wieder? (Besides we've already met, Why introduce yourself again?) " I whispered the last part in German, so no one besides me, Alex, and him could understand. Sergeant looked at me with eyes but still he ignored the fact that I know who he is and still continued to talk like nothing happened. " You shoud've used your talent for something more useful rather than wasting it for nothing, in fact you could've work for me."

" Wait? Me work for you?" I scoffed and pointed a finger at myself then him. "Look Sergeant... Roelfs?, I don't work and won't work for anyone especially you. And belive me, I 'd rather shoot myself in the head and die rather than work for an arrogant, corrupted cop like you. I'm telling you this right now cop, you're just a goon, I'm a boss. And in this buisness goons are goons, boss are bosses no one can change that. Not even me." I took a step towards him but he also took a step back.

~ Letty ~

" I don't know what you're talking about." Olive took another step towards the Sergeant with that same frightening eyes she always gives me. I stood from my seat and made my way to stand beside the asian guy and the girl beside him. " You don't know? Do you want me to tell them the whole story so you could remember?" Olive continued to take a step forward but the sergeant also continued to take a step backwards. "I. dont. Know. What. You're. Talking. About." The Sergeant grabbed Olive by the collar of her jacket. "He just killed himself" I heard someone say, I look on my right and saw Alex standing behind the Roman guy. " What?" Roman looked behind him and saw Alex. " Just by touching her, he put himself in line of death. And the fact that he grabbed her by the collar, he's good as dead." Alex stated and I know what exactly he's talking about. " Shit." Alex said. I looked at where he's looking and saw the sergeant's gun pointed at Olive's head. But still Olive's eyes still showed no fear as if this is really natural for her.

" Don't go near me you bastard." The Sergeant continued to point hs gun at her head. " You afraid of a kid?" She asked making the sergeant's face harden in anger. "Pull the trigger."

"Olive.." Alex warned, but Olive ignored him and walked towards the gun until it was just a few inches from her face. " Come on, pull it or I will." Olive swatted his gun away from her face and punched him in the face. Sergeant was about to punch her back but she easily dodged it and push him on his back making him fall on the floor face first. Olive took the gun from the floor and took all out of it's bullets before throwing it back to the sergeant. " Told you, you can't mess with a boss."

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