Chapter 9: Helping the Enemies

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Chapter 9: Helping the Enemies

~ Dom ~

I parked my car beside Brian's as Alex sprint towards us, I could see in his face that she was extremely worried about Olive he walked straight to the passengers side where Olive is sleeping and leaning at the door. " Hey, wait" I got out of my car but he already opened the door and catched Olive before she fell. " I got it" He said as he carried her bridal style to the direction of the elevator I managed to catch up with them and pressed the button for Alex " Thanks." He looked at me as Olive shifted on his arms but he didn't seem to mind. " Thanks for what?" I asked when we have entered the elevator." For bringing her back. I thought she changed her mind and decided to go back with Shaw" He said looking at me with a serious face. "Even though she was the one who convinced me to stay here-" He looked at Olive,s sleeping figure. " I know she wants to go back with her father" He tried to smile but miserably failing. "I'll just see you tomorrow then." He walked out of the elevator but before the doors closed again he managed to whisper one last 'thank you' then the doors closed leaving me with my thoughts and an unfinished buisness with Olive which I would try to finish tomorrow when I see her again.

~ Alex ~

I layed Olive at her bed and sat right next to her. " What were you thinking?" I asked and she opened her eyes instantly. " For Gods sake. You should have told me.." She sat on the bed and hug her knees as I look at her incredulously. " If I told you then you would go with me." She shrugged. " You sound like Ethan just now" She laughed. Me like Ethan? That's stupid. " You should sleep now, I'll just get something downstairs " I said and stood up from her bed. "Don't sneak." I warned her before completely closing the door while she just smiled innocently.

I need to talk to Dominic about this stupid background check he made. I entered the elevator once again and started to tap my foot on the floor, thinking how I would ask Dom to keep his mouth shut. " Oh Shit" I leaned over at a wall and brush my hand through my hair. What the hell would he want? The door opened and I walked straight to the car he's working on before he left for the race but before I have even reached it I saw him sitting alone in Tej's usual seat infront of a computer with a folder in his hand.

I looked at him intently before I walked towards him. " I heard about what you did. The background check." I said as I approach him, he look up from the foldder, " How did you know?" He asked. " It dosen't matter. And I know by now you probbably know who she really is and I need you to keep her secret. For good." I said looking straight in his eyes. "We both have no right to tell her Dominic. You have no right."

" I don't know what you're talking about." He said looking at the folder which I know is Olive's files " We both know what I'm talking about Dom." I snatched the folder in his hands and slammed it on the table revealing a picture of a young girl with brown hair. " Her." I frowned, my patience wearing off. " You can't tell her she's adopted Dominic. You can't" I said louder than I intended. " She deserves to know." He said standing from his seat. " She does but not from you. You're not familly. You're not her father" I said as a matter-of fact he really isn't her father so he have no right to tell her who she is besides we are doing this to protect her. To keep her from hurting just because her stupid parents left her on a orphanage and never ever care. " This is the only way to protect her from them." I said as I tried to calm down ." From them? her parents? why would yoou protect her from her OWN parents?"

" You know nothing about her. So don't act like you do" And with that I turned around and headed back to Olive and I's room, not wanting to make the argument worst.

I entered our room and noticed that Olive is still watching TV and waiting for me. " I thought I told you to sleep" I said coldly, still pissed on what she did. " Ah, you're still pissed eh? You know you're kinda cute when your mad" She smiled, while I just ignored her and walk straight to the bathroom to change. When I came out only the nightlights are on and Olive is already fast asleep on her bed. I decided to just let her sleep peacefully and I myself is also really tired from today's work, the moment I lay my head on the bed I'm already asleep. Few hours later I woke up with the sound of whimpers. At first I ignored it but it only became louder unti it turned into quiet cries. Immediately I rushed to Olive's side and tried to calm her. "sssshhh" I wiped the tears that are rolling down her pink cheeks, with my touch her eyes flew open with shock. " It's me. Alex." She took in deep breaths as I help her sit.

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