Chapter 17: Back Home?

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Chapter 17: Back Home?

~ Olive ~

" Alex, seriously where are we going?" I asked Alex for the fifth time this morning. After we had breakfast this morning he told me that we are going somewhere and didn't gave any details at all.

" Somewhere." He smiled. Every time I'll asked him where we are going that is his same reply.

" Oh come on." I groaned. He'd never done this to me before, he used to tell me where we are going everytime so I'll be ready but this time nothing so I just wore a white vintage crochet dress, paired with nude kitten heels, a tan suede leather bag and a simple bracelet and watch on my left wrist.

" I got you a present." He glanced at me with a smile as I looked back at him in surprise. " Wait, is it my birthday?" I asked with a smile. " No." He said as he took a left turn. " What's the occasion then? "

" Nothing. I just wanted to give you a gift that's all." I looked at him with a puzzled look, something is going on, for sure. " Are you really okay?" I raised a brow. " Look, I know it's not my thing, giving gifts for no reason, but I thought you'd like that back." He said as he pointed to a medium-sized bag under the dash. " What's that?" I asked. " That's your gift." He shrugged. " Are you serious?" I asked, still not believing that he got me a gift. " Just get it Olive, really."

I took the bag and opened it only to see another bag only much more smaller. " What?" I looked at him but he just smiled and continued to drive to wherever we are going. I opened the bag and saw what he got me. I gasped at what's inside. A Nikon d5000 camera, exactly like the one I had back in UK.

" I thought you'd like your camera back though it's not the one you had back in London but it's the same model." I looked at Alex. " Thank you, Alex." I said. " It's beautiful." I ran my hand through the camera's body. " I'm glad you liked it." He said. " I loved it." Ior corrected him. " Alex." I called and he tured his head towards me as I took a picture of him. " You look good." I said as I showed him his picture. " I always do." He smirked. " You always do." I agreed as he stopped his Silver Camaro infront of a yellow Mazda. " Why are we stopping?" I asked. " We're here." Alex said as he got out of his car and rushed to my side to open the door. " I think there's a party going on." I said as I got out of his car and looked at the sports cars parked around. I held my camera on my left hand and my sling bag on my right shoulder.

We had barely passed our car when I saw Hobbs walked out of the neighbourhood to his Hummer which was parked across the street. " Hobbs?" I asked out loud as he stop walking and looked at us. " Olivia, Alex, it's a surprise you came here."

" They invited us." Alex said. " You both have some documents there-" He glanced at the cream-colored house. " icluding her father's last will." He said before started to walk away again. " Hobbs!" I called once more, he turned around again to look at me. " Thank you." I said as he smiled and shook his head before he continued to walk toward his car.

Me and Alex looked at each other as we watched him enter his car. " Who invited us?" I asked Alex. " You'll know later." I gave him a serious look. He rolled his eyes and put his hands on his pockets. " It's Dom." Dom? Why the hell would he accept it?! And worst of all brought me all the way here. " This is Dominic's house?" I pointed at the house beside me with wide eyes. " I am so out of here!" I turned to walk back to the car but Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me back in, making me stare at his plain black shirt which is just a few inches from my face.

I awkwardly pulled away from him. " Come on, Olive. He just wants to make it up to you." He reasoned. " He dosen't need to because I don't want to ever see his face ever again." I said through gritted teeth. " Olive?" Someone called behind Alex. I looked past him and saw Elena looking at our direction. " Elena?" I glanced at Alex as Elena walked to us.

" I didn't expect you both here." she said. " We weren't supposed to be here either." I muttured. " Alex why don't you go there first?" I looked at Alex. " No, I'm gonna stay right here." He said. " I know what you're thinking Olive. You're going to sneak."

" She won't. I'll make sure she'll go inside." It was Elena who talked this time. Alex looked unsurely at the two of us. " I promise."

" Fine." He finally said. " But please don't do anything crazy or reckless or anything that would hurt you." I shrugged. " Depends." Alex frowned. " Yeah, yeah, whatever." Alex shook his head but walked toward the backyard anyway.

~ Dom ~

" Any of these feel familliar to you?" I asked as Letty took a sip from her drink and looked around the table. " No." She said and looked at me, " But it feels like home." I smiled. " That's good enough for me."

" Am I too late?" A new voice asked from behind us. " Finally." Roman said when he saw Alex. " Where's Olive?" Letty asked as Alex walked towars us. " Uh she's talking with Elena." He said and a pang of jealousy appeared on her eyes but it quickly disappeared. " They're really clicking aren't they?" Letty asked. " They are but you'll get on that stage." He smiled and patted my back before he took a seat beside Han and I sat on the head of the table with Letty on my lap. If somehow he and Olive would end up together, I would have no doubt that she would be in good hands with him.

" Aren't we going to wait for Olive?" Mia asked. " Um, I don't think that's a good idea." Alex shook his head. " She has no idea that I'd brought her here until a few minutes ago." He laughed a bit. " So I suggest we better start whatever's supposed to start before she had a chance to change her mind and sneak ." Alex added. " Alright Roman, bless our table." I said as all of us held each other's hand.

" Father, thank you for the gathering of friends...."

~ Olive ~

" What happened?" I asked as soon as I'm sure that Alex is out of hearing range. " We just dropped off some papers." She said. " And said your goodbyes?" I raised a brow. " It depends, if they start breaking laws again then we'll defiantly see each other." She glanced at the driveway full of cars. " I'm talking to you, Olive." She looked at me as I laughed. " You know I still I owe you a drink right?"

" You don't really have to worry about that it's just from a cheap vendo machine."

" I don't care. See, I've been looking for decent coffee shops around here for a few days now and I found one and I think it's really good though not as good as the ones I've tasted before but it's great." I smiled. " So on thursday you and I are gonna meet, ten o'clock my apartment." I finished. " And I don't accept no's by the way so see you there. I added.

" I'll try."

" No you won't-" I shook my head. " I'll call Hobbs." I looked around. " So where to now?"

" What?" Elena asked, frowning. " Well, I'm not going in there" I glancex at the driveway. " Do it for Alex, Olive. Just this one." She said as she gaze through my eyes. " Go on. I need to make sure you'll go there" she said and I scoffed.

I walk towards the driveway but turned around again before I reached the Charger that was parked and took a picture of Elena looking at my direction.

" Hey, I like to take pictures did you know that?" I asked.

" No." She shook her head slightly. " It's a secret. Only people really close to me knows that." I grinned. " It's nice to know that I'm-" she started but I know what exactly she would say.

" You are. I just thought you'd like to know that." She smiled one last time and I continued my... Journey I guess to the...I don't know I'll just face whatever's gonna happen.

I took a deep breath as I took the last step before I became visible to them.

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