Chapter 1: Sophia

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Chapter 1: Sophia

~ Dom ~

" I'm pregnant." Mia announced, looking at Brian. Suddenly all the memories that was long buried at the back of my head suddenly came rushing back like a river.

" I already lost my family once. I'm not going through that again." My gaze involuntarily lowered. Together with the memories was the pain. The pain that I felt when I lost my daughter.

" Dom, promise me we stick together." Mia pleaded. I remembered the day Letty told me that she is with our child, Sophia. I wasn't able to protect my kid, now my little sister needs me, I can't let her down. I need to protect her and her child.
   " I promise." I said, hugging them. " Family just got bigger." I laughed happily but deep inside all the sadness and guilt started to come back. I know I'm supposed to be happy for Mia but I couldn't help it, Only God knows how much I miss Sophia.

We ended up in an old abandoned building. When we are already settled down, I decided to go outside with my beer to give Brian and Mia some space. I know this will be one of the happiest moments they'll ever had in their life.

The night was clear. The stars were shining brightly together with the half-moon on the sky above. It was quiet, too quiet for my liking. I tried to remember the not so many memories I had with my daughter. She may not be with us anymore but there was never a day that passed that I didn't thought of her and Letty.

< Flashback >

" Letty, what the hell is wrong with you?" I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She has been so distant with us this past few weeks. She now barely comes to the garage, she never answer my calls or messages, and when I see her during races she doesn't acknowledge my presence anymore. She's slowly killing me by what she's doing.

" Nothing." She whispered, still not looking at me.
Of course I know it's not nothing. Something's not right with her, something is bugging her.

" Look at me, Let." I gently tilted her head upwards so I can look straight in her eyes.

" What's wrong baby?" I asked. I know she can't lie to me this time.  Letty embraced me tightly and I placed my hand , her head resting on my chest like a lost little kid. This is serious, I thought. I am glad the whole team's away including Dad and Mia so we can have some time alone.

" I'm pregnant, Dom." She whispered.

I'm pregnant I'm pregnant I'm pregnant, Dom. Her words kept on repeating in my head. I let out a small laugh. " I'm going to be a father." Letty pulled away from me as I felt a wave of happiness wash over me. I placed my hand on Letty's still flat stomach where our child is slowly growing. The thought alone made me smile.

" I don't know." She said, looking away. " Dom, how are we supposed to raise a kid when we ourselves are still kids?" Her eyes were swelling up with tears. I've never seen Letty so emotional before and I knew from that moment that she's already attached to our unborn child.

" Who's going to raise a kid?" I heard a new voice said. I looked at my left and saw Dad and Mia staring back back at us. Their eyes lowered to my hand which is still placed in Letty's abdomen.

" She's not- " Dad shook his head in disapproval.
" Of course she's not. They never did it." Mia scoffed, interrupting Dad, still not believing what is already obvious. I took Letty's hand and intertwined it with mine before facing them. " Letty's pregnant," I said confidently. " With my child."

Sophia Toretto (Fast and Furious Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora