3 days later

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"I don't need the story again, y/n," Hyunjin said, lying back onto the floor, joint behind his ear, cigarette between his lips.

"Then, are you gonna let me have one-a those?" You asked, wrapped in blankets sitting on the couch.

"The doctor said you can't have drugs," Hyunjin said, raising his head slightly to smile brightly at you.

"He also said to not drink," You huffed, tossing an empty beer can at your friend.

"You should listen to your doctor."

"Fuck doctors."

"Is that what you're going to tell Changbin?"

You rolled your eyes, "He's a foot doctor he doesn't count-"

"You know what I mean," Hyunjin interjected.

"But you're not even smoking it!"

"I like the aroma," he shrugged.

"Why are you my best friend?" You scoffed.

"Because it's a small town and I'm the best you've got?"

"You make it seem like I don't have options."

"You don't," Hyunjin shrugged again, using the carpet as an ashtray, he took a long drag of the joint before extinguishing it the same way.

"Aroma," You mocked.

"Sleeeep," Hyunjin said, rolling over onto the blow-up mattress.

You rolled over onto your side. The longer you stared into the darkness the more you thought about your mom. How she was never there for you your whole life. How you were never there for her, even for her death. How you were going to end up just like her. 

you put your hand on your belly, feeling yourself breathe.

"I'm going to do better for you," you whispered into the night.

Ex Fuck Buddies | Bang Chan ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें