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"Is that Jeongin?" Hyunjin asked.

"Who? Where?" You asked back.


You followed Hyunjin's gaze over to a taller boy entering the restaurant alone.

"Yeah, why does he look familiar?"

"High school I think," Hyunjin said after a moment, both of you staring at the personless door.

"Ew high school," you half joke.

"Remember when Minho got his head stuck in a garbage can in tenth?"

"Dumbass," you chuckle.

"Or when Chris kept stealing the whiteboard markers and putting them in Mr. Kim's coffee?"

"Ew, Chris."

"What do you mean 'ew' you guys fucked on-off for like 2 years!"

"Yeah, yeah, I don't need a lecture, Dad." Turning back to Hyunjin's car.

"I never understood you two."

"It was kinda like friends with benefits but sex only 50% of the time?"

"Why was that a question?" Hyunjin laughed, his truck unlocking with a beep.

"I dunno," you mumble.

"Do you think about him often?" Hyunjin asked, engine turning over with a bit of encouragement.

"Everyday," you mumble again.

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