11 hours later

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"Y/n?" Changbin poked at you, "Y/n?"

"What?" You asked groggily.

"Your dad's on the phone he needs to talk to yo-"


"Y/n, it's about your mom, it really importa-"

"Double no," you grumbled, rolling off the couch onto the floor, still too groggy to stand up properly.

"Uh, she's busy right now, I'll relay the message to her," Changbin muttered, wandering into your "shared" room, door open ajar.

You rolled on your side facing the couch, your phone still showing the notification from Chris, reminding yourself of the message that you hadn't responded to. You picked it up, half watching Changbin pace through the open door.

You: Sure let's meet up today

Chris: Awesome! I can't this afternoon but maybe this evening?

Chris: ;)

You: See you then ;)

Chris: Where should I pick you up?

You: Do you remember where Hyunjin lives?

Chris: Hwang "Hangover" Hyunjin?

You: Yea, that one

Chris: haha ok

Chris: see you then, princess

You took a shaky breath. This was really going to happen.

You grabbed your phone, shoving it into your back jean pocket, still dressed from last night. You opened the front door, Changbin cleared his throat behind you. "Yes?' You asked, turning to him, he looked upset. 

"We need to talk about your mo-"

"I'm busy," You interjected.

"With?" Changbin scoffed.

"Hyunjin," You half-truthed.

"He can wai-"

Before Changbin could finish, you slammed the door in his face, setting a course for happiness. Hopefully...


a/n: oop who's ready???

I also have European family coming in two days so I may not update for the next week... sorry

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