fourty minutes later

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"Excuse me?" You'd found your waiter just outside the building in the parking lot, fiddling with his backpack.

"Yes?" He asked, cigarette sitting lit on his lips.

"I was wondering if you'd like to buy me a drink sometime?" You smiled, pushing your tongue on your bottom lip.

"Might, depends," he smiled smugly.


"If we can do it tonight," he queried, tilted his head to one side, lips parting making the cig gripped in his teeth visible.

"Done," you say, laughing as the man whispered dirty nothings into your ear, a cloud of smoke hung in the air as he slipped into his car.

You give him the napkin with your address and number scribbled on it to him.

Laughing again as he folded it dramatically, stowing it safely in a cupholder.

You could make this work.

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