25| GODS

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When you bring someone back from the dead, you mess with nature's balance. There exist laws that were written long before our time. Laws that keep balance in the universe. When one messes up that balance, she/he has to pay.

Amarion has existed ever since the beginning of it all. One day he woke up in this life with one sole mission: rule the universe. At first, he was alone, but slowly on other entities came to live. Including other divinities like him. He gave them all appointed tasks. Ethan would look after humankind, a new form of species that were granted life. Artemis had been gifted the moon and would, later on, look after her children: wolfkind. Alvar would look after planet earth's nature and wildlife, he created the witches to protect his grounds from humanity's cruelty. Scarlett stood for seduction, desire, and temptation. She created the species of vampires.

Together with those four other divinities, Amarion formed a council. They ruled over the universe, more particular earth. They watched it evolve and get ruined. Alvar was mostly complaining to Ethan how his humans were ruining the earth. He was right but humankind had grown onto Ethan and he learned to love them despite their defaults.

There has been tension growing within the council. Amarion was foreseeing war. They've bever fought like this before, expect for that one time.

Eons ago Amarion gifted Artemis a wolf, Lupin, the first of his kind. She absolutely adored it and the two of them immediately became close. Artemis has always been a girl that was close to the upper god. Not one god could hate her, because of her appearance and soft nature. Except for Scarlett.

Enraged that her lover gave another female an exceptional gift, she created a dark demon to kill the poor wolf. The first vampire that could only feed of blood and he drained it from Lupin, until he died.

Artemis was so upset she caused the first solar eclipse. No one was able to comfort her broken heart, so the King of the Universe had to take matters into own hands.

Amarion called the gods together and punished the vampire, who eventually became beloved by its sire. He cursed the demon that when it came out in the sunlight it would burn to death and he would never be able to drink from a wolf ever again.

Artemis gave Lupins soul to a dying mortal man and he became the first werewolf. And from there an entire race started of werewolves and vampires, who became eternal enemies.

Till this day Artemis and Scarlett are still distant with one and other. Amarion tried to make them come back together, but their relationship has crumbled down.

It causes them to constantly go at each other. Scarlett especially more than Artemis.


"Haven't you felt it, my Lord?", Scarlett questioned Amarion

The council had gathered on the full moon as they do each month. Alvar was yelling at Ethan again about the worsening state of nature on earth. Weeds were growing by his feet as he burst out in frustration.

Amarion turned to Scarlett. She was wearing a skintight red dress and she had long, luscious black hair that fell down to her waist. Her full glossy lips spoke with charms and her dark eyes stood seductive.

"What are you talking about?", he was used to her little games and grown immune to her advances.

She was gorgeous and when he met her for the first time, he swore to himself she would become his. After spending nights with her and discovering her true nature, he broke that promise to himself.

"The balance you swore to protect has fallen, my love", she stood up from her throne.

Her hips swung from side to side as she approached him. He stared at her as she laid her hand on his thigh and looked up at him. Everybody knew how much she wanted him.

"Scarlett", he snapped in a warning tone.

She sighed and dropped her hand.

"I only wanted to tell you about how one of Artemis' children brought someone back to life", she muttered innocently.

It was far from innocent. She had been waiting for Artemis to make one misstep. It had been hard since she rarely did. And if it happened, Amarion always brushed it off. Artemis was the apple of his eye.

"What?!", his voice roared through the throne room.

Artemis tensed up and she backed away in her throne. She had hoped to keep it a secret but of course Scarlett found out.

"What did you do?", Amarion stormed over to her.

Her heart started to hammer in her chest and she wanted to disappear. He has never been angry at her and she didn't know how to win him over when he was like this. She used to bat her eyes and smile sweetly to win back his favour.

"I'm so sorry, my Lord! I can explain", she tried.

His eyes always held the universe, but now they were holding fire. He was raging. Balance was something holy to him and if you messed it up, he would mess you up.

"My Aurora brought someone back to life but she never did that to mess with balance. It all had to be done for my story to play out. I can kill the one whose been brought back. Don't hurt my Aurora", she cried out.

"Your story?! How selfish are you? The dead stay dead for a reason, Artemis! You've went against me and you shall be punished for that!", he turned his back to her.

She jumped onto him, begging him.

"Please, my Lord!", she cried.

He pushed her off and walked towards the exit. Thunderclouds started to form in the sky and lightning silenced her desperate cries.

"Your Aurora is going to die",


I made this storyline about these gods up. I haven't taken them from actual cultures except for Artemis. She's the Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt.

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