I look back down to my losing hand in disappointment, "Damn. Twenty four." I say

"Shit." Teddy mumbles

Chris turns over his cards, "Twenty nine."

"Twenty two." Teddy shakes his head in disbelief. 

From the corner, Gordie slams his cards down on the table, "Oh piss up a rope." He flips his cards. Twenty. 

Teddy leans in to count his cards, then cackles, "Gordie's out! Ohhh Gordie just bit the bag and stepped out the door." 

Gordie leans back in the corner, and shoves his nose back into his comic book, taking a small sip of his coke sat to his left. 

Teddy keeps on laughing, and Chris shoves the hand of cards to him, "Come on man. Deal."

He collects the deck into his hands and shuffles them lightly. He tosses them out to Chris and I. "Yesterday was just the best." He smiles to me. 

"I haven't swam in years. I forgot how much I love the water." I say, unconsciously turning my sights to Chris.

I look down to my hand, and draw once.

"I knock." Teddy says, pushing his glasses up on his nose. 

Chris sucks in a breath of air, "You four eyed pile of shit."

Teddy leans in, "That pile of shit has a thousand eyes." He says, waving a hand across his face.

Gordie starts laughing in the corner, followed by myself and Chris.

"What? What's so funny?" He looks for an answer.

Chris lays his cards down on the table, still in laughter. He shoves a hand through his hair and just smiles.

"C'mon, I've got thirty. What do you got?" He reaches for my cards and flips them.

"Twenty two."

Chris throws down his cards, "Sixteen."

"Go on, keep laughing Chambers, I'd turn you right down."

I offer to deal another hand of 31, but Chris declines, and Teddy shoves his cards to me. I shuffle them up, and put them back in their old box-- which was tearing at the seams. I kick my feet up on the table and play with my hair in one hand. 

Chris leans over to me and smiles. I almost lean in to kiss him, before remembering that Teddy and Gordie were in the room too. He must've seen it in my eyes, and he lightly laughs before grazing my hand beneath the table. 

My face burns bright pink as I look down to his hand resting in my lap. I'm broken out of my trance by a series of sloppy knocks on the door below, followed by a bout of silence. Gordie's gaze peers over his comic book, smiling. 

The knocks repeat in an even more exhausted fashion.

"That's not the secret knock" Gordie laughs.

An audible sigh echoes through the room, "I forgot the secret knock." He pauses. "Let me in"

Across the room falls a knowing glance, "Verrrrrrn" We all laugh.

I shove my feet off the table and scoot my chair out of the way, and open the door. Vern comes stumbling into the room and sits down, panting. He barely even takes a moment and a half to breathe before starting up excitedly. 

"Oh man, you guys are not gonna believe this. This is so boss. Oh man, wait'll you hear this, wait'll you hear this. You won't believe it, it's unbelievable."

I tilt my head lightly in concern, "Catch your breath first."

He nods, holding out a hand for us to wait. "Sorry, I just.. I ran all the way from my house."

Don't Worry || Chris Chambers x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now