Chapter Seven

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Jasper made it to Denali way faster than he should have. Before he went searching through the woods he went to see if any of his cousins had already found her.

They hadn't.

They all went out to search for her, but little did they know, someone had already found her.

Livvy tried to look up and see what was going on, but it was hard to move. She thought, after resting it would be easier to get up, but she was wrong. She soon realized why.

It was snowing. And all she had on was a t-shirt and jeans. It wasn't because she was exhausted. It was because she was freezing. She tried to sit up when she felt a searing pain in her wrist. She figured that she fell on it when she was running but didn't notice because of the adrenaline.

She knew that she should have tried harder to get up, to get some blood flow to try to stay alive longer but she just didn't have the energy to do that. She didn't know how long she had been lying there and was pretty sure that someone would find her soon. She just hoped that by the time they found her, it wasn't too late. She didn't want to die. Or worse.

Get turned.

She was starting to panic when she heard something walking around in the woods. She forced herself into the sitting position, cradling her wrist to her chest, so she could see who it was. She looked up and there were two big eyes staring back at her. There was too much wisdom in those eyes for it to be a normal animal. That's when the realization hit her.

It was a wolf. She started to panic. She managed to stand, despite the pain that went shooting through her legs because she was so cold and stiff. She would try to run, but she was in too much pain, and the fact that the wolves actions surprised her. More like its lack of action. It just stood there, staring at her. She really didn't know what to do. She could try to run, but she wouldn't get very far. Her only other option was to try to call Jasper again, or call Jake, or really anybody. She was about to get her phone out when the wolf suddenly walked off into the woods. She was about to call someone when she heard someone walking through the woods. Once she saw who it was, she almost started screaming and running away. She turned to run when she felt hot hands gripped her arms and turn her around.

"The house is back that way." the boy said, pointing in the opposite direction that she had started running in.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked.

"Don't worry about that right now. What you should worry about is warming up."

She didn't realize how violently she was shivering until he said something. She fell to the ground and when she landed on her wrist she cried out in pain. The strange boy ran over to where she was hunched over. He tried to touch her and get a better look at her wrist, but her reaction caught him off guard.

"Don't touch me!" she practically screamed.

"I can help you."

"Leave me alone." she whispered. "Please." she looked up at him with pleading eyes. If she was going to die, she wanted to die in Jaspers presence. Not some strange boy she hardly knew.

"You heard her Kai. She said to leave her alone." she heard a voice say.

"Livvy! Are you okay?" she heard a familiar voice say.

She wanted to respond but another wave of shivers went through her body.

He quickly pulled his hands off of her. "I'm so sorry Liv. I thought that sending you here would be better for you." he paused. Looking up at the boy that she assumed was Kai.

"Please just get me out of here. Its so cold."

Jasper looked up at the boy. "Your the only one that can carry her without making her colder. Would you mind helping out?"

"Of course."

Liv felt herself being scooped up into the boys arms and didn't protest. His skin was so warm and it felt so good against her cold skin. She knew after she started to get feeling back, everything would hurt as her body warmed up so she enjoyed the comfortable warmth while she could.
After Jasper left so abruptly, the rest of the cullens made their way to Denali. They pulled up to Tanya and Kate's house when they smelled it.

"Wolves." Emmet said. "I wonder what their doing all the way up here."

"They aren't from forks," Jacob said. "There not from the same pack."

"Let's just go inside and see what's going on." Carlisle said.

They walked in and noticed how the one wolf was holding Liv in his arms as she cried out in pain. She was hurting because she was getting her feeling back. Edward looked around the room and immediately figured out what was going on.

"You imprinted." He said to the wolf boy.

"What?" Jasper asked, standing up from his seat.

"He imprinted on Liv."

Jasper got really angry. He was so mad. He had never felt this way before. He knew that Livvy was his mate and that they were destined to be together. So why would a wolf imprint on her? Would this change their relationship?

Jasper has started to glare at the wolf boy while he was thinking.

"Woah." Kai said, holding up his hands in surrender. "I'm not going to hurt her, just chill."

"Just chill?! You think I'm going to just 'chill' after you imprinted on my mate!"

Carlisle stepped foreword pushing Jasper away. "Son, calm down. We can work this out later. We need to focus on getting Livvy back home first."

Jasper glared at Kai one more time before he turned to get in his car.

Kai sat Liv down in the front seat. "I figured you guys would want to talk alone."

Nobody said anything as the boy walked away.

"We need to talk about this." Jasper said.

"I don't even know what's going on!"

"He imprinted on you, Livia. That means your his soul mate."

"You I'm yours."

"I need you to promise me something." He said as he started driving.

"Anything, Jazz."

"Promise to not let him take you from me. When a wolf imprints, it's, it's like his world revolves around you. And he'll try to take you from me."

"I won't let that happen, Jasper. Your my only love. And I don't even know him, so it would be hard to even be friends with him."

He sighed with relief. "Let's get you home."

After they started driving Liv fell asleep, and Jasper was already forming a plan to make sure Liv doesn't feel a connection with Kai.

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