Chapter Six

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Livvy woke up with a start. It took her a few seconds to remember what was going on. She sat up and looked around her. They were still in the car. She went to stretch and then groaned. There wasn't enough room. Renesmee looked at her through the rear view mirror.

"We are almost there. Just a few more minutes."

"How long was I asleep?"

"Just four hours."

"You made a day long drive in four hours?"

Nessie giggled. "Yeah. Us vampires like to drive super fast."

"I can see that."

After a few minutes they pulled up to a big house. They all got out of the car and headed inside.

Livvy was expecting there to be vampires living here, but there was no one. The house was empty.

"I thought there would be other vampires here."

"They are here. Just not in this house. This house belongs to Carlisle." Renesmee said.

"Thats cool." she looked around trying to find a clock, but couldn't and her cell phone was dead. "Um, do either of you guys know what time it is?"

"Its nine am." Jake said.

"Do any of you have a phone charger? I really want to call Jasper."

Renesmee handed Liv her phone. "Here, use my phone while I get yours plugged in."

"Thank you so much."

She sat on the couch and diald Jaspers phone number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Nessie? How's everyone doing over there?"

"Jazz, it's me. Were in Carlisle's house in Denali. Were all doing good. How are you? Have they come yet or are you guys still waiting?"

"Were still waiting. She's a lot smarter than we thought. She's going to keep teasing us until we let our guard down and then sneak past us to get to you."

"This isn't going to be as quick as we hoped then, is it?" she said, dreading however long it was that they'd be apart.

"No. Carlisle said that it could happen tonight, or in a week. Time is different to us immortals so we really don't know."

"I hope it happens sooner rather than later. I don't want to be away from you for too long."

"Me too. I love you Liv."

"I love you too. How's everyone holding up?" she thought about the rest of the wolves.

"Were all doing good. Bella and Edward are still with the wolves waiting."

There was a pause in their conversation. It wasn't awkward though.

"I've got to go. Carlisle needs my help with something."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye Livia. Try to stay out of trouble, please?" he pleaded.

"I'll try my best." and with that he hung up.

She sat there and stared off into space for a while. She didn't know how she was going to make it through a week of not seeing Jasper. She started to feel overwhelmed. There really wasn't much she could do to keep herself entertained. She could read but she was too anxious to focus on that. She ended up just mindlessly watching the news, not actually paying attention. Jacob came out to the living room where she was sitting.

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