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It was about 20 years after Bella had been turned and Renesmee was born. One day, a coven of bad vampires came through forks. One of them had their eyes on Jasper. None of them could figure out why, it's not like he was human. They eventually made an agreement with the other vampires. As long as they didn't hunt in Forks, there wouldn't be a problem. After the vampires left they went to the Vultori. Letting Aro know that the Cullens had let their guard down and that they could attack them. Aro never got over not being able to kill Renesmee when she was so obviously young, but no doubt, she would e grown up now and they would have no reason to attack. They needed to set them up. Markus suggested that they tell a human in forks their secret, show them what they look like in the sun, and then come to the Cullens and try to kill the girl. They would claim that the human described Renesmee. They figured if they asked how they found out that the humans knew they would say one of their other vampire friends (someone from Denali) ratted them out.

Of course, Alice saw them coming. She didn't know why though. All they could do was prepare to fight. Just like when the newborn army was coming, Jasper helped everyone improve their fighting skills. Eventually the Vultori showed up. Right in their front lawn.

"Sorry to intrude on your family like this, but the matter is urgent. One of the Vampires in your coven has revealed your secret to a human and the matter needs to be dealt with at once." Aro spoke, his booming voice echoing around the trees behind their house.

"But none of us"- Renesmee started.

"Renesmee," Carlisle said, his tone demanding, "Let me do the talking."

"I think you have the wrong coven. Have you seen the humans thoughts?"

"He has," Caius said, "It was your precious Renesmee that revealed your secret.

Carlisle had a sense that they were lying. They've been trying to come up with a reason to kill Renesmee since the day they found out about her existence. Carlisle voiced his thoughts towards Edward.

Are they lying?

Edward nodded his head. That was all the information Carlisle needed.

"Your lying. Edward can hear what your thinking."

Suddenly more of them came out of the woods. It seems like everyone that was in their coven was there. Ready to kill all of the Cullens if they had to.

None of the cullens understood how Aro forgot that the Cullens had the wolves on their side too. And the Denali coven was there too.

"Your lucky I didn't bring every vampire that resides in Italy, You would have no chance. See, you might have thought we forgot about the wolves, we didn't. Your outnumbered here. Our word against yours. All you have to do is hand over the girl and this could all be over."

When it was obvious to Aro that that wasn't going to happen, he set his mini army loose on the cullens.

The battle lasted longer than the Vultori thought it would have. What with Bella's shield they really were at a disadvantage. Maybe, Aro thought, If we kill Bella well be able to get to the others and get the girl.

Edward heard this and was infuriated. After Edward and Bella had finished off the two vampires that were attacking him he quickly told Alice what Aro was planning.

Aro started his attack on Bella. He ran towards her and Alice knocked him back. That made Aro very mad. His fight with Alice got out of hand. He didn't necessarily have the intent on killing her, she just happened to be in his way to get to Bella. Before he knew it, he was holding Alice's head in his hand. His laughter could be heard by everyone.

Eventually everyone in the Vultori coven that had come to fight had been killed. Except Aro. He hid in the trees. He wasn't scared. He just wanted this whole experience to last even longer for Jasper. He liked seeing him enraged and distraught. And the other Cullens were mad too, but they let Jasper kill Aro. Killing him the same way that Alice had been killed.

Jasper was never the same after that. His family tried their best to make things easier on him, and when they would hunt he seemed to forget about Alice. At least enough to be able to feed. It wasn't until almost a century later that he would find someone he loved like he loved Alice. And it scared the hell out of him.

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