Chapter Four

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Livvy woke up in her room. She was confused. She couldn't remember how she got there. She realized that she was wearing the same clothes that she wore yesterday. She thought that was weird. She thought back to everything that happened yesterday.

Jasper was a vampire.

She kept repeating it over and over in her head. She was dating a vampire. She wasn't as surprised, or scared as she should have been. Her nightmare had made it easier to believe. Maybe there was a part of her that figured it out a long time ago. She continued to go over everything that happened. The hike, the meadow, their talk, the run back to his car.

Once the water in the shower ran cold, she got out and got dressed. She went downstairs to get breakfast and noticed that her mom was in the kitchen.

She had been meaning to tell her mom about her and Jaspers relationship, but never got the chance. She figured now would be the best time to do that. It was early in the day.

"Hi mom."

"Hi Livvy. How have you been?"

"I'm good."

"I spoke with Carlisle at the hospital. He said that you and Jasper had been hanging out a lot." she said accusingly.

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that."

"Okay. Tell me everything."

Livvy recounted everything from how they met, Up until their hiking trip. She lied about how far into the woods they went, and the whole vampire thing and that conversation. "So yeah. We are dating."

"That's good to hear. Because I was surprised to see him show up on my front porch.

"He's here?" excitement showed in her eyes.

"He is. He said that he wanted to talk to you," she paused, turning the coffee pot off. "He's waiting in the living room."

She didn't say anything as she practically ran to the living room.

She sat down on the couch next to Jasper.

"I wasn't expecting to see you today."

"Well, I figured if you were going to meet my parents, I should meet yours too."

She froze. "You, uh, you want me to meet your parents?"

"And a few other people you haven't met yet."

"I don't know." Her knee started to bounce up and down as she thought about meeting his family. "I didn't have meeting people on my agenda for the day."

She remembered about his gift and realized that he could feel what she was feeling. "I'm sorry. I'm probably just over reacting." She said, pulling away from him.

He went to grab her hand, but hesitated. "May I?"

She nodded her head. As soon as he touched her she could feel herself calming down.

"Better?" He asked, even though he already knew what her answer was going to be.

"Yes, thank you." She said, curling up against his side.

That's when Livvy's mom decided to walk in and sit in the recliner.

"Jasper was telling me that he is taking you to his place to meet his family. I think it will be good for you. A nice change of scenery."

Livvy turned to face Jasper. "What exactly are we going to do after I meet your parents?"

"We'll figure it out later."

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