Part 4

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Taehyung's POV
She was breathtaking.
Everything about her was captivating.
The way she put a strand of hair behind her ear. The way she curved her lips slightly when she found something amusing. The way her brows knitted when she was thinking.
But her eyes. Her eyes were her most bewitching features. They were like an endless well that sucked me in deep into her complicated mind. I could see the tumultuous disquiet hidden behind those superficially calm stares & it intrigued me to find out more about her.
"Kim sonsaeng? Are you listening?" She waved her palm across my face & awakened me from my daze.
"Huh? Sorry. You were saying.."
Get it together Kim Taehyung! She's your student & she's 6 years younger than you. You can't think of her that way!
"I was asking you why you came to my classroom earlier?" She asked as she continued walking.
"Oh. Yeah about that, I almost forgot. I was meaning to show you this." I pulled out a brochure from my backpack & gave it to her.
"YS University Department of Arts painting competition? Isn't that Jung sonsaeng's & your alma-mater? Why are you giving this to me?" She looked at me in confusion.
"I was thinking that maybe you'd like to join. The winner will get a scholarship to attend the university. All you need to do is submit an original work."
"Nahh.. I don't think I'm good enough to do this." She handed the brochure back to me.
"Song Y/n, I've seen your work. You are definitely more than qualified to compete. Come on, there's no harm in trying, right? I'll help you, if you need any help that is.." I put the brochure back in her hand & tried to convince her, because I didn't want her talent to go to waste.
"Well.. I'll think about that." She hesitantly said as she stuffed the brochure in her jacket pocket.
"Oh. That's Junnam oppa." She suddenly stopped & pointed at a tall guy, most likely a college student, who was walking out of a noraebang.
"Junnam oppa!" She called out. The guy turned to her & there was no way to describe his expression other than panic.
"H-Hi, Y/n ah. Long time no see." He looked like he was itching to escape.
"Yes, long time no see. Don't you have a group project with Hyungjun oppa? He told me that he would be busy working on it with you for the next 3 days. Is he with you now?"
Hyungjun oppa? Is that her boyfriend?
"A-Ahhh.. Hyungjun is still at the library. I got out with my friends to destress for a bit. I'm going straight back to the library after this. Oh gosh, look at the time. I need to go now. Nice meeting you Y/n, take care!" He took off without waiting for her reply.
"Who's that?" I asked her out of curiosity.
"He's- That's none of your business." Just like that, her guard was up again. I thought I'd got through her a little bit, but it turned out I was wrong.
"I need to go home now. Thank you again for today. Goodbye." She bowed at me & left right away.
"You're welcome. I'll see you.. at school." She had been way out of earshot before I could finish my sentence.
"Huh.. Oh well. At least, I've accomplished what I intended to do." I sighed & turned around towards the opposite direction.
"Sorry." I accidentally bumped into someone's shoulder on my way.
"Ya, watch where you're going." The guy clicked his tongue in annoyance & moved on without looking at me.
Wait.. isn't that.. Y/n's boyfriend?
I followed him discreetly from behind, trying to listen to his conversation with the girl in his arm.
"Oppa, aren't you scared that your little girlfriend will find out about us?" The girl coyly asked him.
"Nahhh.. Don't worry, I've taken care of her. Besides, she's not important, you are. She's so freaking boring, I'm planning to get rid of her soon." He said as he bopped her nose.
My blood boiled listening to him, knowing full well that he was talking about Y/n. I couldn't take it anymore & patted his shoulder.
"Hey, you're Hyungjun from YS University, right? I'm Kim Taehyung, your TA for visual design." I smiled saccharinely at him.
He turned around & I could immediately see the panic in his eyes as he realized who I was.
"A-Ah, sunbaenim. Annyeong haseyo." His confident stance crumbled before my eyes & he was obviously thinking of an escape route.
"Woah, you're so good with girls, aren't you? I don't think she's the same girl as the one I saw you with at school yesterday. Or the one you were always together with in my class. Or the other one who often picked you up in her sports car at the gate. Can you teach me your tricks?" I feigned innocence.
"What? How many girlfriends do you have? I thought you said you only had me & Y/n? Fuck you, Choi Hyungjun. I'm so done with you." The girl pushed him & stomped away in anger.
"Minah ya! Wait for me! You- Ughhh..." He pointed his finger at me & clenched his jaws before running away to chase after the girl.
"Oops, sorry. I didn't think that it would turn out this way." I shrugged, but inside I was secretly cheering.
That served him right. I should expose his cheating ass to Y/n.

Taehyung's POV
Finally, Thursday came.
The day that I got to see her again.
I opened the club room door excitedly, but she was nowhere to be found.
She must be at the rooftop. I thought.
I quickly finished what I needed to do & sneaked out of the room to go find her.
And I was right. She was there sitting on the floor with brush in hand & canvas in front of her. The afternoon light illuminated her clear pale skin.
She noticed me coming & turned her face to look at me, then back to her canvas again.
Well, at least she doesn't tell me to go away.
"Hey." I said as I plopped myself down beside her.
"Hey." She replied curtly.
"How are you? Are those guys still bothering you?"
Without saying a word, she opened up her bag, fished out a taser & showed it to me.
"Wow. Ok. I don't think you're allowed to bring that to school, but don't worry I won't tell on you." I smiled at her but she didn't return it.
After a stretch of silence, she lowered her brush & turned towards me.
"I'm joining the competition."
"You are? That's great! Which piece are you going to submit?" Somehow, I felt like I was more excited about it than her.
"This one." She pointed the canvas in front of her with her brush.
"This? What are you painting? The sky?" The different shades of blue danced before my eyes.
"Yeah." Some people might get tired of her one-worded answers, but not me. She was like an onion, you had to peel it carefully layer by layer to find out the hidden secret inside & that intrigued me even more.
"Does it have a certain meaning?" I inquired.
"Looking at it gives me a sense of freedom." A thin smile painted her lips as she stared at her painting.
I wanted so bad to ask her what her burden was & tell her that she could lean on me if she ever needed a shoulder to cry on. But I couldn't because she was my student, so I just stayed silent.
"Anw, why are you here? Don't you need to take care of the other students?" She asked in suspicion.
"Oh. Right. I just wanted to check on you. Haha. Ok, I gotta go back now. Are you coming?" I abruptly stood up.
"No. I can't concentrate down there." She replied flatly & returned to her painting.
"Oh ok. I'll see you later then." I reluctantly climbed down the stairs & walked back to the club room with her image still filling my mind.
Soon, it was time to go home. I waited until all the students had left & made my way to the school gate.
My eyes lit up when I saw her walking a few meters in front of me.
"Song Y/n!" I called out & ran to her without thinking.
"What?" She replied disinterestedly.
"Nothing." I grinned at her.
"Weird." She muttered under her breath, but I pretended that I didn't hear it.
"Y/n ah!" My blood boiled instantly hearing that voice from afar.
"Oppa?" Her eyes opened wide in surprise at the sight of her boyfriend.
She began to step towards his direction, but I snatched her wrist to stop her.
"Don't trust him. He's not who you think he is."
"What?" Surprised & confused, she looked back & forth between my hand on her wrist & my face.
"He- He's not good for you." I didn't want to break her heart, so I chose not to reveal the complete truth.
"Let go of me." She pulled her hand free from my grip furiously & walked away.
"Y/n ah, he-"
"Kim sonsaeng, you're only my club adviser. Stop meddling with my private life, you don't have the right to. And stop calling me by my first name, we're not friends." She said coldly.
"Y- Song Y/n!" I stared helplessly as she rushed to Hyungjun's side.
Hyungjun's triumphant smirk made me want to punch him in the face.

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