Part 2

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"Woah words seriously travel fast. Look at the crowd." Yoojung whispered to you.
Your once peaceful art club room had become a circus with all the newly registered club members, most of whom were girls who only joined because of your new advisor, Taehyung.
You stomped in annoyance to the corner of the room & took a seat. You tried to concentrate on your painting, but the noise was just too much.
"Sonsaengnim, how do you use this brush?"
"Kim sonsaeng, can you please hold my hand? I don't know how to draw this."
"Ssaem.." "Kim sonsaeng.." "Sonsaengnim.."
"Uhm, one by one ok? Haha." Taehyung chuckled helplessly.
You threw a mean glance at him & finally you couldn't take it anymore. Carrying all your supplies & painting, you rushed out of the room.
"Song Y/n, where are you going?" Taehyung called out to you. You could barely see him because he was almost buried by the girls.
"Anywhere but here." You replied coldly before leaving without turning back.
You climbed up to the rooftop & started drawing. It was so calm & quiet there. The gentle breeze tickled your skin & you felt a false sense of contentment up there, all alone.
"Hey. You're here." A voice broke you from your serene trance.
You turned around & it was Taehyung, with his annoying wide grin. Ignoring him, you looked down at your watch. Without realizing, you'd spent almost two hours there.
"Wow, sunbaenim was right. You're indeed very talented." He said as he examined your work.
"I need to go now." You hastily gathered your things & stood up.
"Song Y/n, may I know what did I do wrong? Why do you dislike me so much?" He grabbed your arm as you were about to leave.
You lowered your vision to his fingers on your arm & coldly said, "Let go or I'll sue you for harassment."
"O-oh, sorry. I didn't mean to-" He immediately let go of your hand like it was on fire.
"Don't even bother to find out why I don't like you. I just don't. Not everyone will fall for your fake charm." You turned on your heels & walked away.
"Wooow, that was harsh.." He muttered. You heard it but you didn't care. You just kept walking until you reached the school gate.
Heaving a deep sigh, you looked up at the orange afternoon sky.
Why does my only sanctuary have to be ruined as well?
"Y/n!" Someone called out & you instantly perked up.
"Oppa? You came?" You exclaimed in surprise when you saw your boyfriend of a year strolling towards you.
Hyungjun was a college student, four years older than you. You met him when you visited an art exhibition & he was working part time there. Initially, you had your doubts about him but he'd proven to you that he was worth your trust. He was the kindest & most morally upward person you knew. Some people might call him boring, but you didn't mind because you preferred safe mundane love than heart-wrenching romance.
"I wanted to surprise you. How was school?" He gently stroked your long hair & smiled.
"It was painful as always. Let's not talk about it. Where are we going now?"
"Up to you. I'll take you wherever you want to go."
"Really? Let's go to the art gallery in Jongno then. My favorite painter is having an exhibition there." Your eyes glimmered in excitement.
"Art gallery again?" You detected a hint of reluctance in his voice.
"W-Well if you don't want to, we can go somewhere else.." You looked down at your feet disappointedly.
"No no no. It's totally fine. I'll take you there. Anything for you baby." He lifted your chin & kissed your forehead.
Baby? Since when does he call me baby?
"Ehmm!" You & Hyungjun jumped at the sound. It was Taehyung.
"You shouldn't do that at school ground." Taehyung said with a frown in between his brows.
"Do what?" You glared at Taehyung & linked your arm with Hyungjun's.
"Whatever you're doing. Wait.. I think I've seen you somewhere.." Taehyung pointed at Hyungjun, who suddenly looked extremely flustered.
"M-Me? I don't think so. I've never met you before. Anw, let's go Y/n. Otherwise the gallery will be closed by the time we get there." Hyungjun frantically nodded at Taehyung & pulled you away.
You could feel Taehyung's stare on your back. However, the more concerning thing was Hyungjun's reaction to Taehyung's remark.
"Do you guys know each other?" You asked.
"W-What? No! That's impossible. This is the first time I've ever seen him! I swear!"
"Ok ok, I believe you. Chill." You assured him.
"Trust me babe. I won't ever lie to you." He put his arm around your shoulders & kissed your cheek.
Uneasiness still tugged at the back of your mind, but you tried to bury it & convince yourself that it was all in your mind.

"Oppa, look at the brush strokes. Can you feel the overflowing emotion conveyed through each lines?" You whispered in amazement to Hyungjun, but he didn't respond.
"Oppa?" You turned your head towards him & saw that he was secretly playing with his phone.
"Oppa, are you bored?" You shook his arm & that finally got his attention.
"Huh? Oh yeah, you're right. It's great." He said perfunctorily.
"Let's just go if you're bored." You felt bad for dragging him to the art gallery because he obviously didn't enjoy it.
"It's ok. Take your time. Oh wait, I need to pick up this call. I'll be right back." He caressed your cheek & jogged towards the exit.
You watched his diminishing back & wished that you could listen to his conversation.
Ugh, come on Y/n. You need to stop being so suspicious all the time. He loves you, you need to trust him more.
Sighing, you turned back around to enjoy the painting. This artist had never failed to amaze you. The first time you saw his work was at the art exhibition where you met Hyungjun & you had fallen in love with his work ever since. You had been wanting to meet the person behind all these masterpieces, but he was such a mysterious person that he'd never even come to the opening of his own exhibition. The only thing you knew about him was his pseudonym, V, which was signed at the right bottom corner on all of his paintings.
"Y/n ah, I'm really sorry but I forgot that I had a group project meeting tonight. My partners are all waiting for me in the library now, so is it ok if I leave you here? I promise I'll make it up to you next time." Hyungjun suddenly appeared beside you in panic so you had no choice but to let him go.
"It's alright. Don't worry about me. Just don't get too tired." You faked a smile for his sake.
"Thank you so much. You're seriously the best girl friend. I'll call you when I'm done. Bye!" With that, he dashed out of the gallery.
There was no one else but you in the gallery now. You sat down on one of the benches & admired the painting in front of you. It was so exquisite that you were completely absorbed in the alluring blends of colors.
"What a coincidence." Your inner peace was broken by a sudden tap on your shoulder.
"What the- Did you follow me?" You abruptly stood up & glared at Taehyung who was standing behind you.
"Woah, I didn't even know that you were coming here." He was baffled by your accusation.
"Then why are you here?" You crossed your arms & asked, still not believing that he hadn't followed you.
"I.. I passed by here on my way home & was interested to see the exhibition. Why are YOU here?"
"To see the paintings of course. Duh.." You rolled your eyes at him.
"Do you like them? The paintings, I mean."
"Yeah, he's my favorite painter. I would give anything to meet him & pick his genius brain." Your tone softened a little when you talked about V.
"Oh really? I don't think he's that good. I mean, he's okay, but nothing special." Taehyung shrugged.
"What did you say? Nothing special? Just so you know, his paintings have been sold all over the world. Somebody actually paid 1 million US dollars for one of his pieces at Sotheby's auction. How dare you say that he's nothing special?" You exclaimed furiously.
"Wow, you seemed to be his die-hard fans." Taehyung's slightly mocking tone irked you even more, so you swallowed all your anger & decided to just leave.
"Hey, where are you going? It's dangerous for a student to walk home alone so late at night." He followed you from behind.
"Stay away from me!" You shouted without turning back. He really had a way of getting on your nerves.
"Where's your boyfriend?" He asked again.
"None of your business!" You yelled as you picked up your pace, hoping that he would leave you alone.
You walked briskly to the bus stop & waited for your bus to come. From your periphery vision, you could see that Taehyung was standing a couple meters away from you, but you plugged in your earphones & pretended that you didn't see him.
What does he want from me? He's so goddamn annoying.
Finally, your bus came & you quickly got on it. You glanced out the window & met Taehyung's eyes. He smiled as he waved at you & mouthed 'be careful'.
Jeez, what a weirdo.
You turned your back on him & held on to the handrail as the bus drove away.

My Dear Sonsaengnim (Taehyung & Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant