Chapter 1

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I felt myself being pushed against the wall as a pair of strong hands held my arms firmly on both sides of my face. I wanted to fight back but I felt like something was controlling me, using my body as a puppet and being drunk was not helping at all. Damn you, Johnny. Why did you give me that drink even though you knew I had a low tolerance for alcohol?

But that didn't matter anymore because the one that held me was trying to do something shameful to me. I was hoping anyone would come here and helped me. Someone, please. The cold hand guy started to sniff my odor around my neck and collarbone areas. His nose touching my skin sending chills all over my body. I heard him humming in satisfaction. Was this how my life gonna end? Being raped by a stranger and might be killed.

"P-please... let m-me... go-" I tried to beg for mercy with my barely audible voice.

"Wow, you still manage to fight my ability even though you are drunk. I'm impressed." The man said and licked my neck in a very slow manner.

A moan accidentally came out of my mouth and I immediately bit my bottom lips to silence my voice. The man chuckled lowly and continued devouring my smell. He didn't do anything absurd yet. Just inhaling my smell and licked my neck. Which was kinda weird.

"Your scent is so addictive that a pure-blood like me find it really hard to resist you." He gently tilted my head slightly to give him better access to my neck.

"S-stop..." I said with a stuttering voice.

"I'm gonna make you mine, Taeyong. No one can have you except me." he said in a dominant voice.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain pierced through my smooth skin of the neck. I tried to scream but my voice was gone. I felt like my blood was being sucked out really fast and started to feel light-headed. A few seconds passed and the pain stopped. My body instantly became weak and I started to lose balance. I felt one last lick on my neck before I completely passed out.


A few months earlier...


Taeyong arrived at his school a bit early today because something unexpected happened at his father's workplace. So, Mr. Lee had to 'kick out' his son just because they both have to exit the house together every morning. The reason was a bit weird but Taeyong didn't complain as long as he didn't have to walk to school. He's fine with walking home since he could stop anywhere he wanted before actually arrived home. Walking to school in the morning really something that he didn't favor to do so he really wanted to avoid that.

Back to the story, Taeyong got out of the car and bid his goodbye before his father sped away. He looked at his gloomy school and sighed. Why would he have stuck at a place like this? A place where it was mostly cloudy and rainy with the sun rarely appeared. Even his surroundings looked... grey, like in a black and white movie. Since he was at school way too early before everyone else, he was technically alone. There were a few students that always come early but they were not Taeyong's group of friends. A bunch of nerds. Not that Taeyong belonged to the cool kids' group, he just somewhere in the middle. You know, the good looking dude with a quiet personality. He didn't really like the attention and he was comfortable with his small group of friends.

Like being mentioned before, Taeyong literally hated his hometown along with its gloomy environment. Why couldn't his father just change his job and when to somewhere... you know, more sunlight. Taeyong loved adventure. He wanted to go travel. Doing outdoor activities. But here, by the time he was ready to go on an adventure, it was raining, making him lazy to even got out of his house.

Sitting at a bench, he took out his phone and dialed his best friend's number, the big guy Johnny. The boy was so tall you could find him in the middle of the crowd at ease. Having a smaller frame, Taeyong sometimes even disappeared behind his best friend, making Johnny a bit over-protective over him. "Big guy had to take care of the smaller guy." Johnny's words. A few ringing and a sleepy voice echoed from the other side of the phone.

Under My Control (NCT JaeYong) | Jaehyun x TaeyongHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin